husband | El marido es alcohólico o drogadicto. | The husband is an alcoholic or a drug addict. |
husband | Algunos días, realmente apestas como marido. | Some days, you really suck at being a husband. |
husband | Respeta mucho a su nuevo marido. | She has great respect for her new husband. |
husband | Sus hormonas disparadas y pilla al marido engañándola. | Her hormones are already in overdrive, and then she catches her husband cheating. |
husband | Mi marido ha estado engañándome durante tres años. | My husband has been having an affair for three years. |
husband | Mi marido sufre de terribles mareos. | My husband, he suffers from the most terrible dizziness. |
husband | Procura que tu próximo marido no sea económicamente independiente. | See to it that your next husband isn't financially independent. |
husband | Esa disposición otorga el control al marido. | This legal provision accords this control to the husband. |
husband | Nunca encontrarás marido cuando seas mayor. | You'll never find a husband when you grow up. |
husband | Mi marido es camionero y estaba conduciendo. | My husband is a truck driver and was driving. |
husband | Aunque mi marido nunca pudiera perdonarme. | Even if my husband could never forgive me. |
husband | Mi marido no quería que continuara trabajando. | My husband didn't want me to continue working. |
husband | Quizás tenga un marido que vendrá a matarte. | Perhaps I have a husband who'll come in and shoot you. |
husband | Mi marido y yo tenemos un compromiso. | My husband and me are wating for an apointment. |
husband | Pero mi marido no sabe nada. | Yes, but you see, my husband didn't know about it. |
husband | Si pudiese conseguirle un marido devoto... | If you could find her a devotee husband... |
husband | No comparto finanzas con mi marido. | I don't share finances with my husband. |
husband | Mi marido destrozó casi todas mis cosas. | My husband smashed up everything I owned, practically. |
husband | Mi marido la trajo para ayudarme. | My husband selected her... to help me. |
husband | Quiero que compartas esta extraordinaria experiencia con tu marido. | I want you to go and share this remarkable experience with your husband. |
husband | El vecino no es un marido fiel; tiene una amante. | The neighbor is not a faithful husband; he has a mistress. |