idea | BbuecapitándelequipoBri tiene una idea radical porsuplatogourmet. | Bbue team captain Bri has a radical idea for their gourmet dish. |
idea | Apoyó la idea de establecer coordinadores nacionales. | He supported the idea of establishing national focal points. |
idea | Esa idea carece totalmente de coherencia. | It was hard to find any coherence in the idea. |
idea | Estas disposiciones deben modificarse para expresar esta idea explícitamente. | Those provisions should be modified so that that idea was expressed explicitly. |
idea | Recordad, fue idea vuestra hipnotizarle y... | And remember, it was your idea I hypnotized him and... |
idea | Fue entonces cuando tuve la brillante idea... | That's when I got the brilliant idea... to fake my death. |
idea | Perdóname, no tenía ni idea. | Forgive me, I... I had no idea. |
idea | No tenía idea cuánta habilidad artística tiene. | I had no idea how much artistic ability you have. |
idea | Tengo la más mordaz brillante idea. | I've got the most scathingly brilliant idea. |
idea | Tengo la más brillante idea mordaz. | I've got the most scathingly brilliant idea. |
idea | Nunca antes concebí la idea de unión. | I've never conceived of the idea of togetherness before. |
idea | Intento sólo expresar mi idea de... | I'm just trying to express my idea of... |
idea | Tengo una excelente idea para eso. | I've got a great idea about that. |
idea | Naturalmente, en cuando concibo cierta idea, la ahuyento. | Of course, as soon as I get a certain idea in my head, I chase it out. |
idea | La idea de beber me parece buena. | [Exhales] [Laughs] The drink idea sounds like a good one. |
idea | La idea era mostrar alverdadero yo. | Look, the idea was to show the real me. |
thought | Hermosa idea para yacer entre vuestras piernas. | That's a fair thought to lie between maidss legs. |
thought | Luché contra esa idea durante semanas. | I've been fighting the thought for weeks. |
notion | No tenía idea fuera tan sociable. | I had no notion she was so sociable. |
notion | Pero necesito tener una idea de cómo va a quedar. | I know, but if you don't mind I want to get a notion of what it will sound like. |
idea | Las maquetas ayudan a los clientes a formarse una idea de los edificios terminados. | Models help the clients get an idea about the finished buildings. |
idea, impression | Tenía una idea equivocada de ti; eres más alegre de lo que esperaba. | I had a wrong idea (or: impression) about you; you are more fun-loving than I expected. |
idea, thought | Tengo la idea de abrir un nuevo negocio. | My idea is to create virtual classrooms in the poorest villages. |
abandon an idea | He abandonado la idea de ser ingeniero algún día. | I've abandoned the idea of becoming an engineer someday. |
set aside an idea | Tuvimos que aparcar la idea hasta próximo aviso. | We had to set the idea aside until further notice. |
change one's mind | Cambié de parecer; ya no quiero ir a esa universidad. | I changed my mind; I don't want to go to this university. |
get it into your head | No me he hecho a la idea de mudarnos de casa. | I've not got in into my head that we're moving. |
get used to the idea | Ya me hice a la idea de hablar con ella todos los días. | I've got used to the idea of talking to her every day. |
the right idea | No creo que Juan tenga una idea adecuada del proyecto. | I don't think Juan has the right idea about the project. |
obsession | Nicolás tiene la idea fija y no va a parar hasta conseguir lo que quiere. | Nicholas has got an obsession and he won't stop until he gets what he wants. |
widespread belief | Hay una idea generalizada de que vendrán tiempos mejores. | There's a widespread belief that better times are coming. |
preconceived notion | Todos tenemos ideas preconcebidas. | We all have preconceived notions. |
bad idea | Fue una mala idea dormir tan tarde. | Sleeping so late was a bad idea. |
bad intentions | Carla es muy inocente y no tiene mala idea. | Carla is very innocent and she doesn't have bad intentions. |
no idea, not a clue | –¿Quién inventó el bolígrafo? –Ni idea. | - Who invented the ballpoint pen?
- No idea. |
seduced by the idea | Pedro está seducido por la idea de irse de viaje. | Pedro is seduced by the idea of going travelling. |
have an idea, have an inkling | Tengo una idea de cuál puede ser el problema. | I have an idea of what the problem may be. |
have an idea, have a suggestion | Tenemos una idea para subir las ventas. | We have an idea to increase sales. |
one thing is... and another is... | Una idea es ayudarlos, y la otra es enseñarlos a valerse por sí mismos. | One thing is to help them, and another is to teach them to get along on their own. |