imagine | Cometerás atrocidades que no puedes ni imaginar. | You'll commit atrocities that you can't even imagine. |
imagine | Mi vocación es imaginar lo inimaginable. | It's kind of my vocation to imagine the unimaginable. |
imagine | No puedo imaginar como lo haría. | I can't imagine how I would do that. |
imagine | Si no puedes imaginar una relación basada... | Just because you can't imagine a relationship that's based on maturity and trust... |
imagine | Es difícil de imaginar, realmente. | (laughs) That's hard to imagine, really. |
imagine | Como podéis imaginar, sus cartas realmente destacaron. | As you can imagine, her letters really stood out. |
imagine | Nadie podía imaginar de algo como esto. | And no one could imagine of anything like this. |
imagine | Fue un proceso difícil como puedes imaginar. | It was a difficult process, as you can well imagine. |
imagine | No tengo que imaginar absolutamente nada. | I don't have to imagine a thing. |
imagine | Y no podrás imaginar otra vida. | And you can't imagine any other life. |
imagine | En ciertas formas que nunca podríamos imaginar. | In certain ways that we just could never imagine. |
imagine | No puedo imaginar porque sigue soltera. | Can't imagine why she's still single. |
imagine | No puedes aún imaginar cual será nuestro poderío. | You can't even imagine... how great will be our power. |
imagine | Intento imaginar cómo sería sin los edificios. | I was just trying to imagine what it would look like without buildings. |
think | Dijiste cualquier sabor que pudiera imaginar. | You just said every flavour I could think of. |
think | Trato de imaginar que haría si Angela simplemente... | I'm trying to think what I'd do if Angela just... |
picture | Usted no puede imaginar su rostro. | I don't think you can really picture the man's face. |
imagine, picture | Imagina esta habitación llena de cuadros y con cortinas. | Imagine this room filled with paintings and curtains. |
imagine, suppose | Imagino que tu amigo estará enfadado por tus mentiras. | I imagine (or: suppose) your friend must be angry because of your lies. |
imagine that | Juan imaginó que era millonario. | Juan imagined that he was a millionaire. |