independent | Puedo ayudar con una investigación independiente. | Then I can open up an independent investigation to assist you. |
independent | El Fondo establecerá una secretaría que será completamente independiente. | The Fund will establish a secretariat, which will be fully independent. |
independent | Ninguna persona o nación puede vanagloriarse de ser independiente. | No individual or nation can stand out boasting of being independent. |
independent | Pues una criatura independiente que vive su vida. | Well, an independent creature who lives her own life. |
independent | Procura que tu próximo marido no sea económicamente independiente. | See to it that your next husband isn't financially independent. |
independent | Sam Nujoma primer Presidente de Namibia independiente. | The Constituent Assembly elected Dr Sam Nujoma as the first President of independent Namibia. |
independent | El experto independiente no comparte esta opinión. | This is not a view shared by the independent expert. |
independent | Ello podría subsanarse estableciendo una instancia independiente. | That could be remedied by establishing an independent body of judges. |
independent | El Ministerio del Exterior quiere crear allí un estado independiente. | The Commissariat of Foreign Affairs wants to establish an independent state there. |
independent | Roger se mudó y es completamente independiente. | Roger's moved out and he's completely independent. |
independent | Nació de un impulso autóctono, independiente e innovador. | It was born of an autochthonous, independent and pioneering impulse. |
independent | Deberías hacer teatro y cine independiente. | You got your start doing theater and independent films. |
independent | En términos de personalidad, parece muy independiente. | In terms of her personality, she seems very independent. |
independent | Ojalá pudiéramos conseguir una subvención independiente. | If only we could get an independent grant. |
independent | Entonces, podré abrir una investigación independiente para ayudarle. | Then I can open up an independent investigation to assist you. |
independent | He intentado arreglármelas sola, malvada e independiente. | I tried being out on my own, all independent and evil. |
independent | El Comisionado es un experto independiente e imparcial. | The Commissioner, however, was an independent and impartial expert. |
independent | El Experto independiente consideró esto un hecho sumamente positivo. | The independent expert considered this to be a very positive development. |
separate | El enriquecimiento ilícito tampoco está tipificado como un delito independiente. | Illicit enrichment is also not incriminated as a separate crime per se. |
separate | La Junta Ejecutiva aprobó los fondos en una consignación independiente. | The funds were approved as a separate appropriation by the Executive Board. |
independent | Es independiente y por lo tanto no tiene que dar explicaciones sobre lo que hace o deja de hacer. | He is independent and doesn't have to give anyone any explanations about what he does or doesn't do. |
independent | La antigua Yugoslavia está dividida en varios estados independientes. | Ancient Yugoslavia is now divided into various independent states. |