industry | Posteriormente trabajó como toxicólogo en la industria agroquímica. | He then trained as a toxicologist in the agrochemical industry. |
industry | La industria aeronáutica norteamericana atraviesa una recesión. | The American airline industry is going through a recession. |
industry | Tanto la industria como el gobierno pueden lograr economías considerables. | The savings could be substantial for both the industry and the Government. |
industry | Tengo un amigo en esa industria. | I have a friend, he's in that industry. |
industry | También traeremos a la industria privada... | We'll also be bringing in private industry... |
industry | Esto fue influenciado por la industria lechera. | That in turn was influenced by the dairy industry. |
industry | Nos daba casi toda la industria italiana. | It handed over to us all of Italian industry. |
industry | Aparentemente, la industria pesquera ahí parece estar totalmente paralizada. | It appears that the fishing industry there has come to a complete standstill. |
industry | Me intrigan los magnates de esta industria. | I am intrigued by the tycoons of this industry. |
industry | Sus bajos salarios hacen competitiva a la industria textil americana. | Their hard work and low pay keep the American garment industry competitive. |
industry | Está en la industria del espectáculo. | Not exactly, she's in the entertainment industry. |
industry | Quiere codearse con la industria, supongo. | Wants to brush shoulders with the industry, I guess. |
industry | Esta industria va a cambiar drásticamente. | This industry is going to be turned upside down soon enough. |
industry | La industria entera mata el romanticismo. | This whole industry - It is killing romantic love. |
industry | La industria manufacturera está casi acabada. | The manufacturing industry is practically on its knees. |
industry | Es ampliamente utilizado por la industria minera. | It is also used extensively by the mining industry. |
industry | El crecimiento de la industria armamentística sudafricana moderna. | The growth of the modern day multibillion-dollar South African arms industry. |
industry | La industria textil fue muy importante en el siglo XI. | The textile industry was very important in the XI century. |
industry | Vigo es la capital de la industria automovilística en España. | Vigo is the capital of the automotive industry in Spain. |
plant | La ruta turística incluye una cata de vinos en la industria del jerez. | The tourist route includes a wine tasting at the Sherry plant. |
food industry | La industria alimentaria está en permanente crecimiento. | The food industry is constantly growing. |
hotel industry | Pedro trabaja en la industria hotelera. | Pedro works in the hotel industry. |