insist | Tengo derecho a insistir de ser escuchada. | I have a right to insist on being heard. |
insist | Como presidente, tengo derecho a insistir. | As president, I have the right to insist. |
insist | Es necesario insistir durante media hora. | It is necessary to insist it for half an hour. |
insist | Será, pues, inútil insistir. | It is therefore, useless to insist on. |
insist | Escucha, Jimmy, siendo tu tío debo insistir... | Now, Jimmy, as your uncle I really must insist... |
insist | No obstante, los acusados pueden insistir para que un abogado esté presente. | Defendants could, however, insist on the presence of a lawyer at their interrogation. |
insist | Usted puede insistir todo que quiera. | You can insist all you like. |
insist | Y debo insistir - Eso no funcionará, caballeros. | And I must insist - This won't work, gentlemen. |
insist | Tengo todo el poder para insistir que lo hagas. | It is in my legal power to insist that you do go. |
insist | Usted no está en posición de insistir. | You are in no position to insist. |
insist | Debemos insistir más vigorosamente en lo que respecta a nuestro sentido de solidaridad y responsabilidad compartidas. | We must insist more strongly on our sense of solidarity and shared responsibility. |
insist | No estás en posición de insistir con nada. | You're in no position to insist on anything. |
insist | Comprendí que no había que insistir. | I saw him suffering and didn't insist. |
insist | Cora, no suelen insistir pero insisto ahora. | Cora, I don't often insist but I insist now. |
insist | Señor Infantes, ...perdóneme si le parezco impertinente, pero debo insistir. | Mr. Infantes... I'm sorry if I seem impertinent, but I must insist. |
stress | Debo insistir que es muy importante esta batalla. | I can not stress enough how important it is for this battle. |
stress | Queremos insistir una vez más en la importancia que representa la cooperación internacional con Centroamérica. | We wish to stress once again the importance of international cooperation with Central America. |
emphasize | Debemos insistir, sólo fotografías, no entrevistas. | Again we must emphasize, photographs, but no interviews. |
emphasize | Esos son simplemente algunos aspectos en los que deseábamos insistir. | Those are just some points that we wanted to emphasize. |
persevere | Insiste hasta alcanzar tus metas, no te des por vencido. | Persevere until you reach your goals, don't give up. |
insist | Eres muy terco, no insistas con lo mismo. | You are very stubborn; don't keep insisting. |