instrument | Se hace necesario unificar la denominación del instrumento jurídicamente no vinculante. | It is necessary to make the name of the non-legally binding instrument consistent. |
instrument | Debería adoptarse un instrumento amplio negociado multilateralmente que prohíba tales actos. | A comprehensive instrument should be adopted on the basis of multilateral negotiations in order to prohibit such actions. |
instrument | Las definiciones claras facilitarán la aplicación del instrumento. | Clear definitions can only facilitate the implementation of the instrument. |
instrument | El instrumento debe contener directrices de carácter objetivo. | The instrument should be composed of guidelines of an objective nature. |
instrument | Aún resta crear un instrumento jurídico amplio. | The task of creating a comprehensive legal instrument is yet to be fulfilled. |
instrument | Es el único instrumento legítimo de gobernabilidad global que tenemos. | It is the only legitimate instrument of global governance that we have. |
instrument | El presente instrumento va mucho más allá. | The present instrument, however, went much further. |
instrument | Este instrumento contribuiría a fortalecer las normas nacionales. | Such an instrument would help to strengthen standards at the national level. |
instrument | Es agradable ver que has tomado un instrumento. | It's nice to see that you've taken up an instrument. |
instrument | Se presenta exclusivamente como instrumento de negociación. | It is put forward solely as a negotiating instrument. |
instrument | Serás el instrumento de nuestra venganza. | You will be the instrument of our vengeance. |
instrument | Los ataques fueron realizados con un instrumento cortante. | The attacks were carried out with some form of sharp instrument. |
instrument | Sólo se presentaba como instrumento de negociación. | It was put forward only as a negotiating instrument. |
instrument | Se presenta sólo como instrumento de negociación. | It is put forward only as a negotiating instrument. |
instrument | Propongo comprarle a Viviane un instrumento mejor. | I propose that we buy Viviane a much better instrument. |
instrument | El instrumento de la concertino, Quiero tocarlo. | The instrument from the concert master, I would like to play. |
instrument | Sépanlo todos los que vean este instrumento público... | Know all men who shall see... this public testamentary instrument... |
instrument | Tener el instrumento adecuado supone una gran diferencia. | You know, having the right instrument makes a huge difference. |
tool | Hoy hemos conseguido un valioso instrumento jurídico para combatirlo. | Today, we gain a valuable legal tool to combat it. |
tool | Se distribuyó como instrumento de información y de promoción. | It is distributed both as information and as a promotional tool. |
instrument | La guitarra es un instrumento de cuerdas. | The guitar is a string instrument. |
tool | Contaba con muchos instrumentos en su caja de herramientas. | He had many tools in his tool box. |
machine | La fresadora es un instrumento para el labrado de los metales. | The milling machine is a machine used to polish metals. |
document | La escritura de una casa es un instrumento legal que acredita la posesión de la propiedad de la misma. | The title of a house is a legal document that certifies the possession of the property itself. |
resource | Cuenta con más de un instrumento para llevar a cabo su cometido. | She has more than one resource to reach her goal. |
debt instrument | La empresa fijó el instrumento de deuda. | A debt instrument is a written contract that allows an organisation to raise capital. |
wind instrument | Los instrumentos de viento suenan muy bien en esta orquesta. | The wind instruments sound great in this orchestra. |
financial tool | La empresa creó un nuevo instrumento financiero. | The company created a new financial tool. |
legal instrument | El instrumento legal no especificaba nada. | The legal instrument didn't specify anything. |
public instrument, public mechanism | La oficina redactó un instrumento público y lo puso a disposición. | The office created a public instrument (or: public mechanism) and made it available. |
financial instruments, financing tools | La compañía entregó instrumentos financieros a sus prestamistas. | The company provided financial instruments to its moneylenders. |