intellectual | Existen varios instrumentos internacionales sobre propiedad intelectual pertinentes a este respecto. | A number of international instruments on intellectual property are relevant in this context. |
intellectual | Las mujeres poseen conocimientos tradicionales intergeneracionales que deberían considerarse propiedad intelectual. | They are custodians of inter-generational traditional knowledge that ought to be treated as intellectual property. |
intellectual | Pensaba que sería algo más intelectual. | I thought it was going to be something intellectual. |
intellectual | Es también lingüista y un supuesto intelectual. | He's also a bit of a linguist and self-styled intellectual. |
intellectual | No quiero interrumpir una conversación intelectual... | Didn't mean to interrupt one of those intellectual conversations... |
intellectual | Lamento si no encajan en algún estándar intelectual arbitrario suyo. | I'm sorry if they don't fit... some arbitrary intellectual standard of yours. |
intellectual | No habrá infracciones de la propiedad intelectual. | There will be no unauthorized infringement on this intellectual property. |
intellectual | Se adoptó una estrategia concertada de legitimación intelectual para justificarlo. | A concerted strategy of intellectual legitimization was undertaken to justify the trade. |
intellectual | Ha intensificado la vida política e intelectual del país. | It has intensified the political and intellectual life of the country. |
intellectual | Es una especie de truco intelectual. | So it's a sort of intellectual trick. |
intellectual | Trabajaré, utilizaré mi patrimonio intelectual. | I will work, I will use my intellectual patrimony. |
intellectual | Dice que quiere reivindicar su honor intelectual. | He says he would like to reclaim his intellectual honor. |
intellectual | Robó propiedad intelectual y necesito recuperarla. | She stole intellectual property and I need it back. |
intellectual | Esperaba con ansia tu superioridad intelectual. | And I was so looking forward to your intellectual superiority. |
intellectual | Y siento que conquisté el mundo intelectual. | And I feel like I've conquered the intellectual world. |
intellectual | Robó un pedazo de su invalorable propiedad intelectual. | You stole a piece of invaluable intellectual property from him. |
intellectual | Jobs no operaba en un vacío intelectual. | You see, Jobs didn't operate in an intellectual vacuum. |
intellectual | Es propiedad intelectual de Producciones Saul Goodman. | Look, it's the real and intellectual property of Saul Goodman Productions. |
intellectual | Es un maduro intelectual del Bronx. | He's an aging intellectual from the Bronx. |
intellectual | Quisiera que sean mis compañeros de entrenamiento intelectual. | I'd like you to be my intellectual sparring partners. |