interior | Ahora estamos tomando otras muestras desde el interior del osario... | Now we are taking other samples from the interior of the osario... |
interior | Comencé hablando del interior del Aston Martin. | I began by talking about the Aston Martin's interior. |
interior | Así facilitaría una mejor vista del interior. | This should facilitate a better view... of the interior of the alien spacecraft. |
interior | Para conseguir el plano del interior. | To get your video blueprint of the interior. |
interior | Eso te convierte en secretario de interior. | That's how come he's making you secretary of interior. |
inside | No sabes alguien en el interior. | Not unless you know someone on the inside. |
inside | Ahora vamos con los contenidos detallados del interior. | Now let's get on with the detailed contents of the inside. |
inside | Se hace pedazos desde el interior. | It's falling apart from the inside out. |
inside | Solía guardar su porra en el bolsillo interior. | He used to keep this lead sap in his inside suit pocket. |
inside | Puedes sentirla hirviendo en tu interior. | I can feel it brewing inside of you. |
inside | Ella está temblando en mi interior. | This one's, like, quivering inside of me. |
inside | Hay demasiada oscuridad en mi interior. | There's too much darkness inside of me. |
inside | Hay también extrañas marcas mecánicas en el interior del agujero. | There were also strange mechanical markings on the inside of the hole. |
inside | Las mujeres tenemos mucha fortaleza interior. | We women have so much strength inside us. |
inside | Ella hubiera mostrado más de su interior. | She might have shown more of what's inside of her. |
inside | No hay acceso desde el interior. | They can't be accessed from the inside. |
inside | Es algo interior, orgullo quizás. | It's something inside me, pride, maybe. |
inside | Dejaron esto en el interior del armario. | They left that on the inside of the cabinet. |
internal | Es expresión de la democratización de sus políticas interior y exterior. | It is an expression of the democratization of its internal and external policies. |
internal | Su estructura interior recuerda al costillar de una ballena. | Its internal structure is reminiscent of the rib of a whale. |
interior, inside, indoor | Los cuidados de un jardín interior no son más difíciles que los de un jardín al aire libre. | The maintenance of an interior (or: indoor) garden is not any more difficult than an outdoor one. |
the inside | El interior de la Tierra, compuesto por roca y metal, se divide en: núcleo, manto y corteza. | The inside of the Earth is made up of rocks and metals; it's divided into: nucleus, mantle, and crust. |
interior | Vivo en un piso interior, no tengo vista a la calle. | I live on an interior floor, I don't have a street view. |
inner peace | Marcos hizo un viaje a la India para encontrar su armonía interior. | Marcos went on a trip to India to find inner peace. |
inner beauty | Gloria tiene una gran belleza interior, lástima que la pobre sea tan fea. | Gloria has such inner beauty; it's a shame the poor girl is so ugly. |
deep inside | En su interior, sus recuerdos lo condenan. | Deep inside, his memories condemn him. |
beauty is only skin deep | No me importa si mi esposo no es muy agraciado: la belleza está en el interior. | It doesn't bother me if my husband is not much of a looker: beauty is only skin deep. |
gross domestic product | El producto interior bruto creció un 3,7% este año. | Gross domestic product grew 3.7% this year. |
underwear | Bragas y sujetadores son ropa interior femenina. | Panties and bras are women's underwear. |
lingerie | La ropa interior femenina es más sofisticada. | Women's lingerie is more sophisticated. |
interior view, inner view, inside view | La vista interior del departamento es muy buena. | The interior view (or: inside view) of the apartment is very good. |