concept | Recomiendo al Consejo que respalde este concepto de operaciones revisado. | I recommend to the Council that it endorse this revised concept of operations. |
concept | Conviene señalar la introducción del concepto de justicia restaurativa. | It is noteworthy that the concept of restorative justice was introduced. |
concept | Existen diversas definiciones del concepto de jurisdicción universal en cuestiones delictivas. | There are various descriptions of the concept of universal jurisdiction in criminal matters. |
concept | Olvidemos ese concepto... de inmediato. | Maybe that's a concept we should get rid of. Immediately. |
concept | Sang-jun, este concepto no me agrada. | Sang-jun, this concept doesn't appeal to me. |
concept | También realizará un debate temático sobre el concepto de filiación. | It will also undertake a thematic discussion on the concept of descent. |
concept | Representa un concepto subjetivo aproximándose a lo metafísico... | It represents a subjective concept dealing with the metaphysical approach... |
concept | Steve tiene algunos problemas para adaptarse al concepto. | Óôéâ's having a little trouble adjusting to the concept. |
concept | Es difícil con un nuevo concepto. | What? It's hard with a new concept. |
concept | La infantería paracaidista es un concepto nuevo. | Parachute Infantry is a new concept in military history. |
concept | Felicidades, que concepto de amor diferente. | Well congratulations, a completely different concept of love. |
concept | Deben considerarse como parte del concepto integral del desarrollo humano sostenible. | They should be seen as part of an integrated concept of sustainable human development. |
concept | Ese concepto universalmente convenido tendría una fuerte dimensión operacional. | Such a universally agreed concept would have a strong operational dimension. |
concept | No es posible minimizar las posibilidades del concepto de diplomacia preventiva. | No one could minimize the potentials inherent in the concept of preventive diplomacy. |
concept | Entiendo el concepto, señor Dinkle. | I understand the concept perfectly, Mr. Dinkle. |
concept | Sólo soñaba que descubriría algún concepto revolucionario y... | It's just, I used to dream I'd discover some revolutionary concept and... |
concept | Siento que no estás abrazando el concepto. | See, I sense you're not embracing the concept here. |
concept | El concepto adopta también fuerza ejecutiva en varias leyes. | The concept is also found in a legally enforceable form in several laws. |
notion | Tiene el concepto victoriano del teatro. | She has a Victorian notion of the theater. |
notion | También podría aprovecharse el concepto de protección temporal. | The notion of temporary protection might also be used in the declaration. |
concept, idea, notion | No tengo un concepto claro de lo que pretende la revuelta social. | I haven't a clear concept of what the social revolution is trying to bring about. |
idea, concept, view | Tienes un concepto errado de la amistad, un amigo no se porta así. | You have a mistaken idea of friendship: friends don't act like that. |
in no way whatsoever | No permitiré este tratamiento bajo ningún concepto. | I will in no way whatsoever allow this treatment to take place. |
under | La secretaria anotó varias cantidades por concepto de viajes. | The secretary wrote down several amounts under trips. |