international | Sólo medidas concertadas a escala internacional permitirán superarlos. | Only concerted actions at the international level would make it possible to overcome them. |
international | La comunidad internacional está abandonando la concepción tradicional norte-sur de la asociación mundial. | (e) The international community is evolving from a traditional North-South understanding of global partnership. |
international | La comunidad internacional no lo utiliza plenamente. | It is not fully used by the international community. |
international | Algunos expertos señalaron que esas cuestiones deberían tratarse a nivel internacional. | Some panellists suggested that these issues should be addressed at the international level. |
international | Eslovaquia no prevé ratificar este tratado internacional en un futuro próximo. | Slovakia does not intend to ratify this international treaty in the near future. |
international | Era preciso consolidar la cooperación internacional para garantizar su sostenibilidad. | There was a need to consolidate international cooperation in order to ensure sustainability. |
international | Pidió apoyo internacional adecuado para la labor de Burundi. | Bangladesh called for adequate international support for the endeavours of Burundi. |
international | Túnez tenía previsto construir nuevas prisiones con ayuda internacional. | Tunisia was planning for the construction of new prisons with international support. |
international | Desearía mencionar algunas reacciones especialmente importantes de la comunidad internacional. | I would like to mention some especially important reactions of the international community. |
international | Para establecerla será necesaria una asistencia internacional bien coordinada y generosa. | Well-coordinated and generous international assistance will be required to establish such a force. |
international | El fabricante se seleccionará mediante licitación internacional. | The manufacturer will be determined through competitive international bidding. |
international | Es imprescindible que la comunidad internacional realice un esfuerzo concertado. | A concerted effort on the part of the international community was essential. |
international | Hemos participado en ese intercambio internacional durante mucho tiempo. | We have been engaged in that international exchange for a very long time. |
international | Como comunidad internacional tenemos que abordarlos. | As an international community we must deal with them. |
international | Fiji respalda firmemente esta convención internacional y favorece su aprobación. | Fiji strongly supports the international convention and would be in favour of its adoption. |
international | El flagelo del terrorismo internacional sigue azotándonos. | The scourge of international terrorism continues to plague us. |
international | Otra responsabilidad internacional es crear un mundo más igualitario. | It is also an international responsibility to create a more equal world. |
international | Actualmente el potencial de solidaridad internacional es considerable. | At present, the potential for international solidarity was considerable. |
world | Espero obtener el respaldo correspondiente de la comunidad internacional. | We hope to obtain the corresponding support of the world community. |
world | Nadie sabía que serían el fenómeno internacional que fueron. | Nobody knew it was going to be the world phenomenon that it became. |
international | El tráfico aéreo internacional es muy intenso entre países desarrollados. | International air traffic is very intense among developed countries. |
international | Ahora damos paso a la información internacional. | Next up is the international news. |
international | El jugador internacional se sumó a la convocatoria en el último momento debido a la lesión de una compañero. | The international player was added to the call at the last minute, due to a teammate's injury. |
international arena | Los diplomáticos se mueven en un ámbito internacional. | Diplomats move in an international arena. |
international trade, international commerce | La aparición de los contenedores generó una revolución en el comercio internacional. | The emergence of containers triggered a revolution in international trade. |
international law | La invasión de este territorio es una clara violación del derecho internacional. | The invasion of this territory is a clear violation of international law. |
international exchange | Los intercambios internacionales suceden en enero. | International exchanges take place in January. |
international tie | El vínculo internacional entre los países es bueno. | The international tie between the countries is good. |