take | No tengo tiempo de echar siestas. | I don't have time to take a nap. |
take | Pero decidí echar un vistazo primero. | But I decided to take a look first. |
take | Podría ir a echar un vistazo. | Maybe I'll drive up there and take a look. |
take | Debería echar una foto de vosotros embalando el apartamento. | I should take a picture of you packing up the apartment. |
take | Necesitamos entrar y echar un vistazo. | We need to come in and take a look. |
take | Quiero echar una mirada especial hacia ellos. | I want to take a special look at them. |
take | Quiero echar un vistazo al informe. | Just want to take a peek at the file. |
take | Quería acercarse y echar un vistazo. | He wanted to get closer and take a look. |
take | Quiero echar un vistazo al pececillo. | I want to take a look at the goldfish. |
take | Y me gustaría agradecerte por hacernos echar otro vistazo. | And I'd like to thank you for making us take another look. |
take | Preguntó si podía echar un vistazo. | He asked if he could take a look around. |
take | Probablemente habría bajado a echar un vistazo. | I'd probably come down and take a look at you. |
take | Quizás Phlox debería bajar a echar un vistazo. | Maybe we should get Phlox to come down and take a look. |
take | Pensé en echar un vistazo ese hotel. | I thought I'd take a look at the hotel this is addressed to. |
take | Saldré bajo la lluvia a echar un vistazo. | All right. I'll go and hit the floods, take a butcher's. |
take | Déjalos echar un buen vistazo entonces. | Let them take a good, long look, then. |
have | Quisiera primero echar un vistazo alrededor. | I'd like to have a look around first. |
have | Tengo que echar un vistazo para poder decir que trabajé. | I do have to look around a little bit, just so I can say I did my job. |
have | Me encantaría entrar y echar un vistazo. | I would love to get in there, and have a good look around. |
throw | Esos niños malcriados echan basura por la ventana del autobús. | Those badly behaved children throw rubbish out the bus window. |
drop | La mujer echó las monedas en su bolso y salió de la tienda. | The woman dropped the coins into her bag and left the shop. |
chase out, throw out, kick out | El guardia nos echó del parque. | The security guard chased us out of the park. |
sack, fire | El presidente de la comunidad ha echado al portero. | The president of the residents' association has sacked the gatekeeper. |
tilt, tip | El modelo echa los hombros hacia atrás para verse más fornido. | The model tilted his shoulders back to look stronger. |
give off | El auto echaba humo y de repente se detuvo. | The car gave off smoke and suddenly it stopped. |
look quickly, look briefly | El jefe echó un vistazo al informe. | The manager looked quickly at the report. |
have a nap, take a nap, have a doze | Voy a dar una cabezada en el sofá antes de ir a trabajar esta tarde. | I am going to have a nap (or: take a nap) on the sofa before I go to work this afternoon. |
mess up | No eches a perder la sopa poniéndole mucha sal. | Don't mess up the soup by putting too much salt in it. |
ruin, bankrupt | Si no hacemos esa inversión echaremos a perder la empresa. | If we don't make this investment we will ruin the company. |
corrupt | Los concejales echaron a perder al alcalde con esas propuestas. | They corrupted the mayor with those bids. |
go to waste, go down the drain | La cosecha se echó a perder con las fuertes lluvias. | The harvest went to waste with the heavy rain. |
go off the rails | Luisa cree que su hijo adolescente puede echarse a perder por culpa de las malas compañías. | Luisa thinks her adolescent son could go off the rails because of bad influences. |
go to ruin | El hotel se echó a pique en la temporada baja. | The hotel went to ruin in the off-season. |
scuttle | Los marineros echaron a pique el barco para que los piratas no consiguieran apoderarse del tesoro. | The sailors scuttled the ship so that the pirates could not get hold of the treasure. |
flip a coin to see | Echaron a suertes quién empezaría a jugar. | They flipped a coin to decide who would start playing. |
forget about [sb] | Se consiguió a otro y a mí me echó al olvido. | She found someone else and forgot about me. |
drop anchor | Echad las anclas al llegar al bajío. | Drop anchor when we arrive at the shoal. |
dodge the issue, avoid the issue | Debes afrontar ese problema, no eches balones afuera. | You should confront this problem, not dodge the issue. |
count on | Echa cuentas con ella que es de mucha confianza. | You can count on her because she's trustworthy. |
do the math | Echemos cuentas para ver cuánto te debo. | Let's do the math to see how much I you. |
miss [sb] | Diana echa de menos a su hijo, que se mudó a Bolivia. Echo de menos esas tardes frente al mar. | I really miss those afternoons by the sea. |
notice [sth] is missing | Cuando pensé en llamar a mi hermana, eché de menos mi teléfono. | As I went to call my sister I noticed my phone was missing. |
throw [sth] in [sb]'s face | Juan le echó en cara a su esposa muchas cosas del pasado. | I know I've made mistakes but you don't need to throw it in my face every minute. |
miss | Camila echa en falta su ciudad desde que se mudó a Canadá. El viejo echa en falta a sus amigos de la infancia. | Camilla has been missing her city ever since she moved to Canada. |
notice [sth] is missing | En la reunión del gobierno, el público echó en falta a la ministra de educación. | The public noticed that the Minister for Education was missing at the government meeting. |
fume | María echaba humo cuando se enteró. | Maria was fuming when she found out. |
tell off | El jefe echó la bronca al vendedor por llegar tarde ese día. | The boss told the salesman off for being late that day. |
give [sb] a hand | Tu amigo está metido en problemas; necesita que le eches la mano. | Your friend is in trouble and he needs you to give him a hand. |
jinx | No digas que algo podría salir mal en mi viaje, no me eches la sal. | Don't say that something could go wrong on my vacation; don't jinx me. |
fuel the fire | Pablo sólo echó leña al fuego con ese comentario hiriente. | Pablo only fueled the fire with that hurtful comment. |
back out | Siempre se echa para atrás ante el primer obstáculo. | He always backs out when faced with the first obstacle. |
back out | No importa lo que me digas, no me voy a echar para atrás. | I don't care what you tell me, I am not backing out. |
destroy | La explosión en el laboratorio echó por tierra años de estudio. | The explosion in the lab destroyed years of research. |
put down roots | Ya es hora de echar raíces y casarte, Juan. | Now it is time to put down roots and marry, Juan. |
hush up | El gobierno echó tierra al asunto de la malversación de fondos. | The government hushed up the matter of the embezzlement of funds. |
give [sb] a hand, lend [sb] a hand | Si necesitas que te eche un cable, dímelo. | If you need me to give you a hand, let me know. |
give a hand | No soy capaz de mover la mesa yo solo. Échame un cabo, por favor. | I can't move the table by myself. Give me a hand with this table, please. |
help out | Echó un capote a su amigo porque no sabía como salir de aquella discusión. | He helped his friend out because he didn't know how to get out of that argument. |
have sex | Se alejaron del grupo y se fueron a echar un casquete. | They distanced themselves from the group and went to have sex. |
get laid | Tomás está feliz porque echó un polvo anoche. | Thomas is happy because he got laid last night. |
challenge | Echemos un pulso para ver quién es más fuerte. | Let's challenge each other to see who is stronger. |
have a look | Anoche oímos ruidos en el sótano así que bajamos a echar un vistazo. | Last night we heard noises in the basement so we went down to have a look. |
let loose | Este finde me largué a echar una cana al aire y me fui de bares. | This weekend I let loose and went out to the bars. |
have a fling | A mi ex marido le gustaba echar una cana al aire con alguna clienta. | My ex husband liked having a fling with some client. |
kick up your heels | Venga, mujer, echa una cana al aire y cómprate un vuelo a Nueva York. | Come on, woman, kick up your heels and buy a flight to New York. |
have a look, take a look, take a glance | Mónica echó una ojeada al libro. | Monica had a look at the book. |
play a game | Los hombres echaron una partida de naipes después del trabajo. | The men played a game of cards after work. |
have a nap, take a nap | A Juan le gusta echarse una siesta los domingos. | Juan likes to have a nap on Sundays. |
add fuel to the flames, add fuel to the fire | No digas nada; no le eches leña al fuego. | Don't say anything; you'll only add fuel to the flames. |
add fuel to the flames, add fuel to the fire | Pablo solo le echó leña al fuego con ese comentario hiriente. | With that remark, all Pablo did was add fuel to the flames. |
add fuel to the flames, add fuel to the fire | No le eches leña al fuego: ayúdale a dejar el alcohol. | Don't add fuel to the flames: help him quit drinking. |
cut up | Es muy buen patronista y no tiene miedo de meter la tijera a cualquier tipo de tejido. | He's a really good pattern maker and isn't afraid of cutting up any type of fabric. |
leave to soak | Para que la receta salga bien, hay que poner la masa en remojo durante dos horas. | For the recipe to turn out well, you should leave the dough to soak for two hours. |
put on the back burner | Como el asunto era polémico, se decidió poner el tema en remojo y esperar un momento más adecuado. | Since the matter was controversial, the decision was taken to put the subject on the back burner and wait for a more opportune moment. |
give hints, drop hints | El jefe echó indirectas en la reunión para ver si alguien se ofrecía voluntariamente a dirigir el proyecto. | The boss gave hints in the meeting to see if somebody would volunteer to manage the project. |
go all out | Luis va a tirar la casa por la ventana en la celebración del cumpleaños de su hija menor. | Luis is going to go all out for his youngest daughter's birthday party. |
spare no expense | En sus últimas vacaciones en Europa, los Sánchez tiraron la casa por la ventana. | On their last holiday to Europe, the Sanchez family spared no expense. |
give a cursory glance, give a quick look | El médico solo vio al paciente por encima. | The doctor only gave the patient a quick look. |