invite | Quizás podemos invitar a los paparazzi. | Maybe we can invite the paparazzi to join us. |
invite | Obviamente, debimos invitar a todos. | Of course, we had to invite everybody. |
invite | Nos gustaría invitar a Hilly aquí. | We'd like to invite Hilly up here. |
invite | Puedo invitar a Charles si quieres. | I can invite Charles if you'd like. |
invite | No teníamos invitar el delegado sindical de esta conversación. | We didn't have to invite your union delegate for this conversation. |
invite | Quizás deberíamos invitar a Brian esta noche. | I was thinkin', maybe we ought invite Brian tonight. |
invite | Debemos invitar El comandante para cenar. | We must invite the commanding officer to dinner. |
invite | Hay dos importantes invitados que voy a invitar. | There are two important guests whom I will invite myself. |
invite | Debo invitar a algunas personas más. | I need to invite just a few more people. |
invite | Ahora me gustaría invitar a algunos familiares... | Now, I would love to invite some of the family members... |
invite | Me gustaría invitar al primero ahora. | I'd like to invite my first out now. |
invite | Puedes invitar a algunos amigos también. | You can invite a few friends over as well. |
ask | También podríamos invitar a tu madre. | We could ask your mother to come along, too. |
ask | Olvidaste invitar a los tramoyistas al banquete. | You forgot to ask the stagehands for the banquet. |
buy | Me gustaría invitar a esa señorita. | I'd like to buy the lady a drink. |
buy | Los caballeros quieren invitar una ronda. | The gentleman would like to buy a round for the house. |
invite to | Lucas invitó a su novia al casamiento. | Lucas invited his girlfriend to the wedding. |
treat [sb] to lunch | María invitó a almorzar a su mamá. | Maria treated her mum to lunch. |
invite [sb] out to eat | Matías invitó a comer a sus amigos. | Matias invited his friends out to eat. |
buy [sb] a drink | Manuel me invitó a una copa por la noche en el club de la esquina. | Manuel bought me an evening drink at the club on the corner. |