jump | Claro, con mi nerviosismo apenas pude saltar ahí. | Of course, in my excitement I could hardly jump for it there. |
jump | Intenté saltar anoche desde la terraza. | I tried to jump off the roof last night. |
jump | Eso debería permitirnos saltar sobre esos destructores. | That should give us a jump on those destroyers. |
jump | Pueden destruirlo y ni siquiera yo puedo saltar tanto. | They can take it out with two rockets, and even I can't jump that far. |
jump | Sólo quería que me viera saltar. | I just wanted you to watch me jump. |
jump | Porque si no puede saltar, adiós negocio. | Because if he can't jump, there goes my sneaker business. |
jump | Fuiste muy rápido en saltar a defenderla. | You were pretty quick to jump to her defense. |
jump | Debería saltar. Arrojarme contra las rocas. | I should jump... throw myself from the battlement. |
jump | Entonces, imagina que decides saltar. | So, imagine you take it upon yourself to jump. |
jump | Ahora prepárate, porque tendremos que saltar. | Now get ready, 'cause we have to jump on. |
jump | Solía saltar sobre él durante horas. | She would jump on that thing for hours. |
jump | Perdón, no quería hacerte saltar. | Sorry, didn't mean to make you jump. |
jump | El General puede saltar sobre otras piezas. | It is the only piece that can jump over other pieces. |
jump | No importa, pronto podremos saltar. | Doesn't matter, we can jump soon. |
jump | Finalmente, dijo que quería saltar. | Finally, he said that he wanted to jump. |
jump | Es de esos actores que pueden saltar entre géneros. | It is one of those actors that can jump between g? genres. |
jump, leap | Salté para atrás cuando el perro comenzó a ladrar. | I jumped (or: leaped) back when the dog began to bark. |
jump | Prefiero no saltar en paracaídas, gracias. | Thanks, I'd rather not jump with a parachute. |
go off | Me acerqué al coche y saltaron las alarmas. | I got near the car and the alarm went off. |
lose your temper, get angry, become angry | Cuando me dijo aquello, salté. | When she said that, I lost my temper. |
come out with | Todos sabemos que es su amante, pero saltó con que no lo conocía. | We all know he is her lover, but she came out with a story that she didn't know him. |