justice | En Kazajstán solamente los tribunales administran justicia. | In Kazakhstan justice is dispensed only by the courts. |
justice | Conviene señalar la introducción del concepto de justicia restaurativa. | It is noteworthy that the concept of restorative justice was introduced. |
justice | La administración de justicia sigue siendo motivo de profunda preocupación. | The administration of justice continues to be an issue of deep concern. |
justice | Esto requiere un sistema de justicia sólido e imparcial. | Such an approach required a sound and impartial system of justice. |
justice | Buen gobierno también significaba buscar justicia. | Good governance also needed to aim for justice. |
justice | Pero la justicia rusa tiene otras reglas. | But, my friend, Russian justice plays by different rules. |
justice | El Estado promoverá y fortalecerá la justicia indígena originaria campesina. | The State shall promote and strengthen the campesino, original and indigenous system of justice. |
justice | No queda justicia en el sistema. | There's no justice left in the system. |
justice | Nunca le haré justicia pero espero que esté complacido. | I'll never do it justice, but I hope you're pleased. |
justice | Es peligroso confundir venganza con justicia. | It's dangerous to confuse vengeance with justice. |
justice | Estáis ante un tribunal de justicia. | Sir, you are before a court of justice. |
justice | Ahora podrán comprobar la justicia de Cartagia. | Now you will watch and see the justice of Cartagia. |
justice | Siempre confié en la justicia, alguacil. | I have always believed in law and justice, Sheriff Boggs. |
justice | Tienen un muy curioso sistema de justicia. | It's an interesting system of justice you have, Captain. |
justice | Tenia un ideal de justicia y... | I had an idea about justice, and... |
justice | Pero... La justicia acabará triunfando. | But, gentlemen... justice will certainly triumph. |
justice | Respete al Rey y obtendrá su justicia. | Respect the King and you'll get your justice. |
justice | Tienes un profundo sentido de la justicia. | You're obviously a man with a profound sense of justice. |
law | Eres un convicto fugitivo de la justicia. | You are an escaped convict on the lam from the law. |
law | Tiene numerosas disputas con la justicia. | She's had numerous run- ins with the law. |
justice | Fueron juzgados y sentenciados con justicia. | They were judged and sentenced with justice. |
law | El ladrón de autos es perseguido por la justicia. | The car thief is being pursued by the law. |
administer justice | El poder judicial administra justicia. | The judiciary administers justice. |
serve justice | Se administró justicia cuando al ladrón le hicieron reponer lo robado. | Justice was served when the thief was forced to hand over the stolen items. |
legal aid benefits | El beneficio de la justicia gratuita se concede a quienes no pueden pagar su defensa. | Legal aid benefits are given to those who cannot afford to pay for a lawyer. |
give [sb] their due | Después de tantos años de atropellos, es necesario hacer justicia a los campesinos del país. | After so many years of abuse, it is necessary to give the farmers of the country their due. |
legal aid | La organización ofrece justicia gratuita. | The organization offers legal aid. |
social justice | Esta ONG vela por el cumplimiento de la justicia social en el país. | This NGO fights for compliance with social justice in our country. |
justice, however delayed, will be served. | El juicio tomó cinco años, pero al final todos los culpables pagarán por lo que hicieron: la justicia tarda, pero llega. | The trial went on for five years, but, in the end, all the culprits paid for what they did: justice, however delayed, will be served. |