leader | Soy Baujal, líder de los Taujeerianos. | I am Baujal, the leader of the Taujeerians. |
leader | Esa es decisión del líder de politrauma. | That's a decision for the trauma team leader. |
leader | Hay noticias del líder de la casta guerrera. | I should tell you, we received word from the leader of the Warrior caste. |
leader | Como líder, la decisión depende de mí. | It's my decision as leader, my assessment of what's best for the Moderates. |
leader | Dijo que era primordial para un líder recordar y aprender de los errores. | He said that it was imperative for a leader... to remember and learn from the mistakes... even if they can't admit to them publicly. |
leader | Cuando nuestro líder esté listo, comerá. | When our leader is ready to eat, he will eat. |
leader | Finalmente encontré información sobre el líder. | I ended for finding some informac.es on this leader. |
leader | Están discutiendo el asesinato de un líder nacional. | They are possibly discussing an assassination of a national leader. |
leader | Deben haberlo llevado con su líder Heflar. | They must've taken him to their leader Heflar. |
leader | Querría preguntar al líder por qué es así. | Means that there is no one to save 57th. I really want to ask the leader. |
leader | Mañana, los que sobrevivan necesitarán un líder. | Come tomorrow, what's left of us will need a leader. |
leader | Necesitamos un líder valiente, fuerte, íntegro. | We need a leader with courage, strength, integrity. |
leader | Vengo de visitar a nuestro líder. | I've just returned from a visit with our leader. |
leader | Galra respondió a su líder y atacó. | The Galra immediately responded to their leader and attacked. |
leader | Un líder sabe cuándo abandonar la batalla. | A leader must know when to leave the field of battle. |
leader | No sé si quiero ser líder Scout. | I don't even know if I want to be a Scout leader, Dad. |
leader | Debéis escoger un líder entre estos tres. | You should choose a leader from among these three. |
leader | Soy el líder del Imperio cardassiano. | I'm the leader of the Cardassian Empire. |
leader | Nuestra emisora apoyará al futuro líder. | Our broadcasting station will support the future leader. |
leader | He sido deportista líder estudiantil, beisbolista un educador. | I've been a jock, student leader, professional ballplayer, an educator. |
leader | El expresidente era un líder popular y tenía muchos seguidores. | The ex-president was a popular leader and had many followers. |