victim | Venezuela ha sido víctima de agresiones a misiones diplomáticas y consulares. | Venezuela has been the victim of aggression against its diplomatic and consular missions. |
victim | La víctima percibió íntegramente esta suma. | This sum was paid to the victim in its entirety. |
victim | Cualquier dato sobre la víctima nos interesa. | There's nothing about the victim that wouldn't be of interest to us. |
victim | No quiero actuar más como víctima. | I do not want to play a victim anymore. |
victim | Entonces la víctima del carterista gritó. | Then the victim of the purse-snatching cried out. |
victim | Cuando víctima tiene todos los síntomas de estar muerto. | When it strikes... the victim gives every outWard sign of being dead. |
victim | Dice que podría haber una víctima con necesidades especiales. | Says that there might be a victim there with special needs. |
victim | Es otra víctima, señor Curtis. | She's another victim, Mr. Curtis. |
victim | Nadie, ninguna víctima era insignificante. | Nobody, no victim, who didn't matter. |
victim | Hemos identificado a la víctima decapitada. | We have a positive ID on our headless victim. |
victim | Cada víctima fue atacada en su casa. | Now each victim was attacked in their own home. |
victim | No tenemos pistas sobre la víctima. | We don't even have a bead on our victim yet. |
victim | La tercera víctima original era corista. | The original third victim was a chorus girl. |
victim | La víctima no quiere decir nada. | The victim doesn't want to say anything. |
victim | Técnicamente es un crimen sin víctima. | 'Technically it's a crime without a victim. |
victim | Descargó mucha agresividad con esta víctima. | He worked out a lot of aggression on this victim. |
victim | No quiero que sea una víctima. | I don't want her to be a victim. |
casualty | Dile que tenemos una víctima indeterminada. | Tell her we have a casualty of an indeterminate nature. |
casualty | Pero él debía ser la única víctima. | But he was supposed to be the only casualty. |
victim | Andrea López fue víctima de fraude informático. | Andrea Lopez was a victim of computer fraud. |
victim, casualty | Hubo una sola víctima, según el informe de la policía. | There was only one victim (or: casualty) according to the police report. |
play the victim, play the martyr | ¡Cómo te gusta hacerte el mártir! | How you love to play the martyr! |