light | Ten tu equipo listo mientras aún tenemos luz luz. | You get your gear ready while we still got light. |
light | Han viajado un millón de años luz... | They have traveled a billion light years as the vanguard of an unstoppable conqueror. |
light | No le permitía poner luz eléctrica. | He wouldn't let her put the electric light in. |
light | Siempre nos toca luz roja en Harlem. | [Rumbling] We always get a red light in Harlem. |
light | Llegas justo para darnos luz en un problema interesante. | You're just in time to throw some light on an interesting problem. |
light | Preferiría tenerla delante, pero cuesta bordar con tan poca luz. | I'd prefer to have her where I can see her, but I can't embroider in such poor light. |
light | Encendiendo la luz, para empezar. | Turning the light on, for a start. |
light | La próxima vez encenderé la luz. | I guess next time I'll turn on the light. |
light | Una luz fracturada, no luz solar directa ni luz artificial. | This actually is fractured light, not direct sunlight and no artificial light. |
light | Proyecto de iluminación que producimos, como luz de inundación, luz de pared, luz de calle, luz de tubo digital, luz subterránea, luz de bahía alta, etc. | Project lighting we produce such as flood light, wall washer light, street light, digital tube light, underground light, high bay light, etc. |
light | Productos aplicables a la luz de la calle, luz industrial y de minería, luz lineal, luz de tri-prueba, luz de inundación, luz del panel y así sucesivamente. | Products applicable to street light, industrial and mining light, linear light, tri-proof light, flood light, panel light and so on. |
light | La luz proyecta luz, solo luz. | The light projects light, only light. |
light | Veo una luz clara; veo una luz diáfana; veo una luz pura; veo una luz simple. | I see a clear light; I see a diaphanous light; I see a pure light; I see a simple light. |
light | Ocultarse en la luz u Oculto en la luz. | "To hide in the light" or "hiding in the light" - Some form of that. |
light | Los enormes lentes amarillos permiten a su dueño distinguir entre luz producida por fotóforos y luz solar. | The enormous yellow lenses enable their owner to distinguish between light produced by photophores and sunlight. |
light | Las plumas comerciales, ...son conservados contra la luz del sol y la luz ultravioleta. | In commercial feathers, they're preserved against sunlight and ultraviolet light. |
light | Manténgalo fuera de la luz directa o luz incandescente. | Keep away from direct sunlight or strong incandescent light. |
light | La luz adopta avanzados led XB-D estadounidenses para proporcionarle un alto brillo pero una luz suave. | The light adopts advanced American XB-D LEDs to provide you with high brightness but soft light. |
light | Usando la luz del sol y la luz, nuestra heroína supera las dificultades. | Using sunlight and light, our heroine overcomes difficulties. |
light | El diseño modular hace posible su uso con luz transmitida o luz reflejada. | The modular design offers the possibility of using reflected or transmitted light. |
sunlight | Una luz fracturada, no luz solar directa ni luz artificial. | This actually is fractured light, not direct sunlight and no artificial light. |
sunlight | Los enormes lentes amarillos permiten a su dueño distinguir entre luz producida por fotóforos y luz solar. | The enormous yellow lenses enable their owner to distinguish between light produced by photophores and sunlight. |
sunlight | Las plumas comerciales, ...son conservados contra la luz del sol y la luz ultravioleta. | In commercial feathers, they're preserved against sunlight and ultraviolet light. |
sunlight | Manténgalo fuera de la luz directa o luz incandescente. | Keep away from direct sunlight or strong incandescent light. |
sunlight | Usando la luz del sol y la luz, nuestra heroína supera las dificultades. | Using sunlight and light, our heroine overcomes difficulties. |
light | Los cuerpos que desprenden luz se llaman cuerpos luminosos. | Bodies that give off light are called luminous bodies. |
electricity | Me cortaron la luz porque no la pagué a tiempo. | My electricity was cut off because I didn't pay the bill on time. |
light years away from | El exiliado siente que todos los que ama están a años luz de él. | The exiled man feels that everyone he loves is light years away from him. |
in the light of | Las fotos quedan mejores si las tomas a la luz del día. | Photos are better if you take them in the light of day. |
in light of | Los científicos deben replantear sus teorías a la luz de los nuevos descubrimientos. | The scientists should rethink their theories in light of the new discoveries. |
in broad daylight | A Luis le robaron su auto a plena luz del día y nadie quiso ayudarlo. | Luis had his car stolen in broad daylight and nobody was willing to help him. |
light year | ¿A cuánto equivale un año luz en kilómetros? Alfa Centauri está a 4,37 años luz de la Tierra. | Alpha Centauri is 4.37 light years from Earth. |
light years ahead | La tecnología de las potencias mundiales está a años luz de ventaja del resto de los países. | The technology of world powers is an advantage that is light years ahead of the other countries. |
shed some light on | El profesor arrojó algo de luz sobre el complejo teorema. | The teacher shed some light on the complex theorem. |
shed light on | La investigación arrojó una nueva luz sobre los agujeros negros. | The research shed new light on black holes. |
shed light on an issue | Con el siguiente estudio esperamos arrojar luz sobre esta cuestión tan controvertida. | Our next study will shed light on this controversial issue. |
highlights | Mariana se hizo un baño de luz para la fiesta. | Mariana put highlights in for the party. |
shine on your own merit | No necesitaba ayuda, brillaba con luz propia. | She didn't need help. She shined on her own merit. |
with little light | Teresa tiene un patio con poca luz y no hay planta que resista. | Teresa has a patio with little light and no plants are able to endure. |
in low light, in dim light | Si lees con poca luz, te cansarás pronto. | You'll get tired quickly if you read in dim light. |
give birth | Carla dio a luz un bebé sano. | Carla gave birth to a healthy baby. |
give birth | Fernanda dio a luz anoche. | Fernanda gave birth last night. |
be light years away | El fin de la crisis parece estar a años luz. | The end of the crisis seems like it is light years away. |
be light years away from | Ese problema está a años luz de resolverse. | This problem is light years away from being sorted out. |
be a power outage | En mitad de la noche se fue la luz. | There was a power outage in the middle of the night. |
zenith lighting, zenithal lighting | La luz cenital se emite desde la parte de arriba del escenario | The zenith lighting comes from above the stage. |
ambient light, ambient lighting | Quiero una lámpara que de luz de ambiente. | I want an ambient light (or: lighting) lamp. |
flare | El barco se hundía y los marineros lanzaron luces de Bengala para pedir auxilio. | The ship was sinking and the sailors launched a flare for help. |
emergency lighting, back-up lighting | Las luces de emergencia que hay en la casa se encienden en caso de apagón. | The emergency lighting in the house comes on in the event of a blackout. |
natural light, sunlight | Prefiero la luz natural a la luz artificial. | I prefer natural light to artificial. |
sunlight | Para tomar fotos, la luz solar es mejor que la artificial. | Sunlight is better than artificial light for taking photos. |
bring to light | El periodista sacó a la luz los secretos del actor. | The journalist brought the actor's secrets to light. |
come to light | Es inevitable que los escándalos salgan a la luz. | All scandals will inevitably come to light. |
bring [sth] to light | Las excavaciones trajeron a la luz hallazgos arqueológicos. | The excavations brought archaeological findings to light. |
fluorescent tube | El tubo de luz se rompió y el sótano quedó a oscuras. | The fluorescent tube broke and the basement went dark. |
see the light at the end of the tunnel | Los habitantes del país vieron la luz cuando la oposición ganó las elecciones. | The inhabitants of the country saw the light at the end of the tunnel when the opposition won the elections. |
see the light at the end of the tunnel | Después de tantos problemas, la muerte de mi papá y la ruptura con Elisa, creo que por fin estoy viendo la luz al final del túnel. | After so many problems, the death of my father, and the breakup with Elisa, I think that I am finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. |