step | El sistema europeo se ha construido paso a paso. | The European system has been built up step by step. |
step | Lea las instrucciones atentamente y sígalas paso a paso. | Please read the instructions carefully and follow them step by step. |
step | Vamos paso por paso y encontraremos una solución. | Let's just go step by step and we'll get this solved. |
step | Déjame hacerlo simple explicar las cosas paso por paso. | Let me make it simple for you, explain things, step by step. |
step | Gerhardt me manipuló paso a paso para llegar aquí y encontrarlo. | Gerhardt's manipulated me step by step to get here and find it. |
step | Debe ser controlada... paso a paso. | It must be controlled... step by step. |
step | Helmuth sabía que todo debía ser logrado paso a paso. | Helmuth knew that everything had to be achieved step by step. |
step | Cuénteme todo, paso por paso. | Talk me through it step by step. |
step | Revisaremos tus movimientos paso por paso. | Well, you and I will go over your timeline step by step. |
step | Sólo podía progresarse paso a paso. | Progress could only be made step by step. |
step | Lea cuidadosamente las instrucciones y sígalas paso a paso. | Please read the instructions carefully and follow them step by step. |
step | Paso de rock, paso triple, paso triple... paso de rock, paso triple, paso triple, paso de rock. | Rock step, triple step, triple step, rock step, triple step, triple step, rock step. |
step | El proceso ofrece un enfoque sencillo paso a paso, que muestra la relación general entre cada paso. | The process provides a straightforward step-by-step approach that shows the general relationship between each step. |
step | El primer paso de Armstrong en la Luna fue todo un acontecimiento. | Armstrong's first step on the Moon was quite an occasion. |
step | Juan dio un paso y se paró. | John took a step and stopped. |
walkway | Hay que cruzar la autopista por el paso elevado. | You have to cross the highway via the elevated walkway. |
step | Si quieres hacerlo bien, sigue los pasos que te ponen en las instrucciones. | If you want to do well, follow the steps in the instructions. |
path | Debido al paso del huracán, las escuelas permanecerán cerradas toda la semana. | Schools will be closed all week due to the hurricane path. |
time | Mi paso por la universidad me dejó bonitos recuerdos. | I have lovely memories of my time at university. |
step, move | Ernesto nos enseñó algunos pasos de tango. | Ernesto taught us some tango steps. |
Make way! | ¡Dejen paso! Voy de prisa. | Make way! I'm in a hurry. |
at this rate, at this pace, at this speed | A este paso, no vamos a terminar el proyecto a tiempo; ¡hay que acelerar! | At this rate we'll never finish the project on time. We need to get a move on! |
at a snail's pace | Había un accidente en la carretera y el tráfico avanzaba a paso de tortuga. | There was an accident on the highway and the traffic was moving at a snail's pace. |
just a few steps from | La biblioteca se encuentra a un paso de la plaza. | The library is just a few steps from the square. |
on the verge of doing [sth] | Cuando mi abuelo sufrió un infarto, estuvo a un paso de morir. | When my grandfather suffered a stroke he was on the verge of dying. |
make your way through | La joven se abrió camino entre la multitud para ver de cerca a su actor favorito. | The young woman made her way through the crowd to get a closer look at her favourite actor. |
make way, pave the way | Nuestro negocio fue pionero: se abrió camino en las ventas por Internet. | Our business was groundbreaking: it made way (or: paved the way) for internet shopping. |
make your way, pave your own path | A pesar de varios intentos fallidos, la joven sonorense logró abrirse camino en la industria discográfica. | Despite various failed attempts the young man from Sonora managed to make his way in the record industry. |
make your way, pave your way, forge your way | Se abrieron paso en la industria de la moda con diseños vanguardistas. | They made their way in the fashion industry with avant-garde designs. |
stand the test of time | Este comedor es de castaño, aguanta bien el paso del tiempo. | This table is made of chestnut, it stands the test of time. |
let's get it over with, let's get this over with | Quiero terminar este trabajo repetitivo cuanto antes: al mal paso darle prisa. | I want to finish this repetitive project as soon as possible: let's get it over with. |
at a snail's pace, slow as molasses | Estos buses antiguos y destartalados van al paso de la guayaba. | These old and rickety buses go at a snail's pace. |
at this rate, at this speed | Al paso que vamos nunca llegaremos antes del anochecer. | At this rate (or: at this speed) we'll never arrive before nightfall. |
destroy everything in its path | El huracán arrasó con todo a su paso por la isla. | The hurricane destroyed everything in its path on the island. |
crossing gate, crossing barrier | Esperó que pase el tren detrás de la barrera de paso. | He waited for the train to go past behind the crossing gate. |
yield | Pusieron un cartel de "ceda el paso" frente a la escuela. | A "yield" sign was put up outside the school. |
yield | En esta ciudad los conductores ceden el paso si se encuentran con un ciclista. | In this city drivers yield to cyclists. |
as time goes by, as time passes | Con el paso del tiempo las verduras se estropean. | As time goes by vegetables spoil. |
confidently | Paula subió al escenario con paso seguro, tomó el micrófono y soltó su voz. | Paula stepped onto the stage confidently, took the mic and started to sing. |
pedestrian crossing | Esperamos que cambiara el semáforo en el cruce peatonal. | Let's wait for the lights to change at the pedestrian crossing. |
take the first step, take the initiative | María dio el primer paso y le propuso casamiento a Juan. | Maria took the first step and asked Juan to marry her. |
take the next step | Estoy saliendo con Antonio varios meses, pero no me decido a dar el siguiente paso. | I have been dating Antonio for a few months but haven't decided to take the next step. |
open the way for, clear the way for, prepare the way for | La mejora de la economía dio paso a la apertura de muchos negocios. | The improvement of the economy cleared the way for many businesses to open up. |
let [sb] past | El guardia dio paso a los espectadores. | The guard let the spectators past. |
take a step forward | Debemos dar un paso adelante e invertir en otros negocios. | We should take a step forward and invest in other businesses. |
make a false move | Necesito un consejo tuyo porque no me siento seguro de mi decisión y no quisiera dar un paso en falso. | I need your advice because I do not feel certain about my decision and I do not want to make a false move. |
passing through | Ana no va a quedarse a dormir; solo está de paso. | Ava isn't going to stay over; she's just passing through. |
while you're at it | Ve al pueblo a comprar leche y, de paso, trae un par de botellas de vino. | Go to the town to buy some milk and get a couple of bottles of wine while you're at it. |
temporary | Este paraje era usado como lugar de paso por las tribus nómadas. | This place was used as a temporary stopover by nomadic tribes. |
right of way | El granjero denegó el derecho de paso a los jinetes. | The farmer denied right of way to the horsemen. |
incidentally | Dicho sea de paso, quienes no hayan pagado por favor háganlo. | Incidentally, those who have not paid, please do so. |
stopcock | Hay una fuga de agua: cierra la llave de paso. | There's a water leak. Close the stopcock. |
grade crossing, railroad crossing | La barrera del paso a nivel está bajada. | The grade crossing gate is down. |
zebra crossing | Hay que cruzar la calzada por el paso de cebra. | You have to cross the road at the zebra crossing. |
passing of time | El paso del tiempo nos hace envejecer a todos. | The passing of time makes everyone age. |
no through-road | Está prohibido el paso a toda persona ajena al personal. | It is a no through-road for everyone outside of staff. |
protect from wear and tear | Los abanicos antiguos de la abuela están en una vitrina para protegerlos del paso del tiempo. | Grandmother's old fans are in the cabinet to protect them from wear and tear. |
skip a step | Pedro se saltó un paso y no aprobaron su informe. | Pedro skipped a step and his report didn't pass. |