crazy | Dije al representante que estaba loco. | I told the minority whip he was crazy. |
crazy | No estoy loco sólo bastante impresionado, considerando todo. | I'm not crazy, which is pretty darn impressive, all things considered. |
crazy | No consigo una respuesta de este hemisferio loco. | I can't get a straight answer out of this crazy hemisphere. |
crazy | Sólo está intentando volverme loco saliendo con alguien como tú. | She's just trying to drive me crazy by going out with someone like you. |
crazy | Solo un loco narcisista haría algo así. | Only a crazy narcissist would do something like that. |
crazy | Lee sólo quería protegerte del loco Callum. | Lee here was just trying to protect you from crazy Callum. |
crazy | Estás loco caminando en esta lluvia. | I knew you were crazy wanting to walk in this rain. |
crazy | Miren este loco cuarto de vigilancia. | Get a load of this crazy surveillance room. |
crazy | Nada loco, todos están bien. | Nothing crazy, everybody's good. Okay. |
crazy | Estaba loco por mandarme a Inglaterra. | Anyhow, he was crazy, my coming to England. |
crazy | Estás loco vendiendo ese tatuaje antes de comprarlo. | You're crazy to sell that tattoo before you bought it yourself. |
crazy | Claramente Charlie está loco por ti. | It's obvious Charlie's crazy about you. |
crazy | Encontraremos ese... mundo loco tuyo. | We'll find that... crazy world of yours. |
crazy | Es loco donde uno busca cuando quiere encontrar algo desesperadamente. | It's crazy where you'll look when you want to find something bad enough. |
mad | Deposité un poco de dinero loco. | Well, I deposited a little mad money in it. |
mad | Me arrastró como loco hasta aquí. | He dragged me here as if he was mad. |
mad | Tomás Adentro sigue loco por casarse. | Tomas Inside is still mad to get married. |
mad | Me miraste como si estuviera loco. | I remember, you looked at me as if I were mad. |
insane | Está loco y su locura nos destruirá. | He is insane and his insanity will destroy us. |
insane | Me miró como si estuviera loco. | He looked at me as if I were insane. |
crazy, insane | En el apartamento de abajo vive una vieja loca que habla sola todo el día. | A crazy old woman lives in the apartment downstairs who talks to herself all day. |
bonkers, nuts | Hay que estar loco para aceptar esas condiciones de trabajo. | You have to be bonkers to accept those working conditions. |
madman, madwoman, mad person | Se escapó un loco del manicomio. | A madman escaped from the asylum. |
fool | Mi hija es una loca y no voy a regalarle un auto: ¡no vaya a ser que cause un accidente! | My daughter is a fool and I'm not going to buy her a car: she might cause an accident! |
quickly | Me decidí a lo loco, y me salió mal. | I made up my mind quickly and it didn't go well. |
clap wildly | Después del concierto, el público aplaudió como loco. | After the concert, the public clapped wildly. |
to each his own | Yo no juzgo a nadie, cada loco con su tema. | I don't judge anyone; to each his own. |
play dumb | Cuéntame, yo sé que sabes; no te hagas el loco. | Tell me. I know you know. Don't play dumb. |
think [sb] is a nutter, take [sb] for a nutter | En el pueblo juzgaron de loco a Tomás cuando este dijo que había visto un ovni. | Everyone in the thought Tom was a nutter when he said he'd seen a UFO. |
blinded by love | Estaba loco por amor y abandonó los estudios. | People do stupid things when they're blinded by love. |
raving lunatic | Pablo está loco de atar, es difícil estar con él. | Pablo is a raving lunatic. It's difficult to be near him. |
crazy for you | Se ve que Manuel está loco por ti. | It looks like Manuel is crazy for you. |
no way | Yo no hago paracaidismo ni loco. | I don't do skydiving, no way. |
work like mad, work like crazy | Martín trabaja como un loco en su nuevo proyecto. | Martin is working like mad (or: worked like crazy) on his new project. |
make [sb] go crazy, make [sb] mad | Dicen que la guerra volvió loco al general. | They say that the war made the general go crazy. |
drive [sb] round the bend, drive [sb] up the wall | Mi hija de dieciséis años me está volviendo loca. | My sixteen year-old daughter is driving me round the bend. |
send [sb] into a frenzy | Ese apuesto actor vuelve locas a sus seguidoras. | That hunky actor sends his fans into a frenzy. |
lose your mind, go out of your mind | Es evidente que el sospechoso se volvió loco al descubrir la traición de su mejor amigo. | It's obvious that the suspect lost his mind when he found out that his best friend had shopped him. |
go mad for something | Miguel se volvió loco por la pizza de ese restaurante en cuanto la probó. | Miguel went mad for the pizza in that restaurant when he tried it. |
go mad for [sb] | Mi madre se volvió loca por mi padre cuando lo conoció hace cuarenta años. | My mother went mad for my father when she met him forty years ago. |
drive [sb] crazy | Esa mujer lo vuelve loco. | That woman drives him crazy. |