territory | Navegaron nueve días hacia territorio confederado. | For nine days, they sailed south into the Confederate territory. |
territory | Afirmaron que no se respetaba la visión de territorio indígena. | They contended that the principle of indigenous territory was not being respected. |
territory | Sus barcos y aeronaves no pueden tocar territorio norteamericano. | Its ships and aircraft cannot land anywhere in United States territory. |
territory | También se aplicará cuando una aeronave aterrice en territorio andorrano. | It shall also be applicable when an aircraft lands on Andorran territory. |
territory | Habrían ocurrido en el territorio de Chechenia. | These cases reportedly took place on the territory of Chechnya. |
territory | El territorio de Australia incluye diversos territorios exteriores. | The territory of Australia includes a number of external territories. |
territory | El sólo comienza, nosotros abrimos un nuevo territorio. | He's just starting out, and this is mine and Tector's opening for a new territory. |
territory | Ya es comisario de todo el territorio. | He's already deputy marshal of the whole territory. |
territory | Prometisteis no volver a mi territorio. | You said you'd never come to my territory. |
territory | Directa al corazón del territorio cardassiano. | It's headed directly into the heart of Cardassian territory. |
territory | Solamente se produjeron dos incidentes marginales en su territorio. | Only two marginal incidents took place on the territory of the Czech Republic. |
territory | Enviarán un equipo al territorio klingon. | Starfleet's sending an infiltration team to Klingon territory. |
territory | Los tanques soviéticos entraron en territorio alemán. | The Soviet tanks have entered the territory of Germany. |
territory | Incluso dibujé un mapa detallado del territorio. | I even drew a detailed map of the territory. |
territory | Sólo son policías en territorio británico. | You are only the police for the Brittish territory. |
territory | Alemania parece buen territorio para confraternizar. | Germany's looking like pretty good fraternizing territory. |
land | Todos los grupos se consideraban naturales del territorio. | All groups were considered to be indigenous to the land. |
land | Massai lo trajo de territorio cherokee. | Massai brought it back from the land of the Cherokees. |
country | Este territorio está lleno de animales. | This country is running over with wild game. |
country | Hay que atravesar un gran territorio. | There's a lot of country to travel. |
territory | Los países estaban en disputa por los límites de sus respectivos territorios. | The countries were in dispute over the limits of their corresponding territories. |
territory | Realizamos un safari para adentrarnos en el territorio de los leones. | We went on a safari to get into lion territory. |
in territory | Los habitantes de un municipio viven dentro del territorio municipal. | The residents of a municipality live in municipal territory. |
national territory | Una vez estés dentro del territorio nacional, puedes ir a cualquier ciudad sin ninguna restricción. | Once you are inside the national territory, you can go to any city without any restrictions. |
take possession of a territory, seize a territory | Las tropas invasoras han tomado posesión de la ciudad. | The invading troops took possession of the city. |