then | La Comisión aprobó luego por consenso las modificaciones al reglamento. | The Commission then adopted the amendments to the rules of procedure by consensus. |
then | Examinaré los conceptos y luego formularé algunas conclusiones y recomendaciones. | I will discuss the concepts and then present some conclusions and recommendations. |
then | Apruebe, saldré ahora, luego. | Okay, I'll go out now, then. |
then | Tratará de tirarte primero, luego cambien. | He'll try to take you down first, then switch. |
then | Me entusiasma verte, y luego... | I just get excited to see you, and then... |
then | Removemos cosas y luego los atravesamos. | We stir things up and then cross them over. |
then | Y luego finalmente aceptó plantar el trigo. | And then finally he agreed to plant the wheat. |
then | Y luego la ceremonia donde soltamos palomas. | And then the ceremony when we, like, release the doves. |
then | Primero arréstelo, luego podemos pensar en vernos. | First get him arrested, then we can also think of meeting. |
then | Y luego podremos crear un tratamiento para la enfermedad. | And then we will be able to make a treatment for the disease. |
then | Y luego lo agarraron por posesión de narcóticos. | And then he got picked up for possession of narcotics. |
then | Apréndete este número y luego bórralo. | Memorize this number, then wash it off. |
then | Y luego desembarcas en la frontera. | And then you go ashore at the border. |
then | Grandioso, luego volveremos al DEO. | Great, then we'll get back to the DEO. |
then | Yo retiraría esta flota para luego atacar Ixion. | I would retreat this fleet and then advance to Ixion. |
then | Verifiquemos el sol y luego continuemos la comunicación. | Let's get their sun check, then go around the horn. |
after | Hablaremos de eso luego del show. | We'll talk about that after the aquacade. |
after | Primero un brindis y luego al calabozo. | A toast first and the guardhouse after, if you're able. |
later | Esta bien, ya hablaremos luego. | All right, I'll talk to you later. |
later | Vale, piénsatelo y me dices algo luego. | Okay, think about it and, you know, get back to me later. |
later, after | Ahora voy a comprar y luego al cine. | I'm going shopping now and later I'm going to the cinema. |
then | En la esquina está la biblioteca y luego está la estación de bomberos. | On the corner is the library and then there is the fire station. |
therefore | Pienso, luego existo. | I think, therefore I am. |
of course | Y desde luego, cuando el trabajo escasea los sueldos bajan. | Of course, when work is scarce wages fall. |
See you later! | Hasta luego, Marta; nos vemos pronto. | See you later, Marta; see you soon. |
after | Iremos al parque luego de almorzar. | We'll go to the park after lunch. |
so | No voy a ir a la reunión, luego entonces, podemos vernos a esa hora. | I am not going to the meeting, so we can meet at that time. |