bad | Seguro hice algo muy malo para juntarlos. | I must've done something really bad to get you four together. |
bad | Chang representaba lo malo de Chinatown. | ROnnie Chang represents Much Of what is bad in ChinatOwn. |
bad | No es tan malo si cooperas. | You know, it's actually not so bad if you just cooperate. |
bad | Pensé que lo del mono era malo. | I thought the monkey thing was bad, but... [Groans] Wait. |
bad | Será malo si tienes un ataque. | It'll be bad if you have a fit. |
bad | No conviertas esto en algo malo. | Don't go making this into something bad. |
bad | Sospecho que alguien contará algo malo. | I'm starting to think that someone has something bad to share. |
bad | Ya es bastante malo haberlo perdido. | It's bad enough that I've lost him. |
bad | Fue suficientemente malo cuando estabas vivo. | It was bad enough when you were alive. |
bad | Quiero estar en esta cocina MasterChef malo. | I want to get in this MasterChef kitchen bad. |
bad | Tiene que estar protegida del gran mundo malo. | She has to be protected and coddled from the big bad world. |
wrong | Hay algo malo contigo, Simone. | There's something wrong with you, Simone. |
wrong | Ya sabía que pasaba algo malo. | I can't believe this. I knew there was something wrong. |
wrong | Lo único malo contigo es tu perspectiva. | The only thing wrong with you is your perspective. |
wrong | Debe haber algo malo con ella entonces. | There might be something wrong with her, then. |
wrong | Supongo que hice algo malo, Probablemente debería disculparme. | I guess I did something wrong, so I should probably just apologize. |
wrong | No puedo aprobar algo tan malo. | I can't approve of something so wrong. |
wrong | Sigo esperando que pase algo malo. | Okay, I keep waiting for something to go wrong. |
wrong | Siento que hay algo muy malo conmigo. | I feel like there must be something really wrong with me. |
evil | Pretender ser malo también es malo. | Pretending to be evil is also evil. |
bad, wicked | Jaime es un hombre malo. | Jaime is a bad man. |
bad | Una persona mala para las matemáticas no puede estudiar ingeniería. | Anyone who's bad at math can't study engineering. |
bad, adverse | Ha sido un año malo para la aviación. | It's been a bad (or: adverse) year for aviation. |
harmful, bad, damaging | Fumar es malo para la salud. | Smoking is bad for your health. |
what's wrong with...? | ¿Qué hay de malo con los tatuajes? | What's wrong with tattoos? |
mean face | Horacio tiene cara de malo pero en realidad es muy buena persona. | Horacio has a mean face but he's really a nice guy. |
the bad guy | Con esa escena, quedó claro que Alberto era el malo de la película. Clint Eastwood nunca ha sido el malo de la película. | Clint Eastwood has never been the bad guy. |
the villain of the piece | Julia siempre me hace sentir como el malo de la película. La que hace las cosas mal es mi hermana, pero la mala de la película termino siendo yo. | Julia always makes me feel like the villain of the piece. |
through thick and thin | Diego es mi mejor amigo: me ha acompañado en las buenas y en las malas. | Diego is my best friend: he's stuck by me through thick and thin. |
evil is everywhere, evil is all around | Ya sabes como es, lo malo abunda. | You know what it's like; evil is all around. |
the best | Conviene ver lo menos malo en todas las situaciones. | It's good to see the best in all situations. |
meaner than a junkyard dog | Pedro no tiene corazón: es más malo que la quina. | Pedro is heartless: he's meaner than a junkyard dog. |
better the devil you know than the devil you don't | No quiero otro jefe, mejor malo conocido que bueno por conocer. | I don't want another boss, but better the devil you know than the devil you don't. |