matter | Los informes nos han proporcionado abundante información sobre la materia. | The reports have provided us with a wealth of information on this matter. |
matter | Ha cooperado cabalmente con la comunidad internacional en dicha materia. | She has fully given cooperation to the international community on the said matter. |
matter | Aún habría trazas de materia residual flotando alrededor. | There'd still be traces of residual matter floating around, lieutenant. |
matter | Recibo emisiones coherentes, conversión de materia. | I'm picking up coherent emissions, matter conversion. |
matter | Mucha materia residual que pueden absorber. | Plenty of waste matter for them to absorb. |
matter | André investigó la transmisión de la materia. | André did do research in the transmission of matter. |
matter | Me encantaría saber la perspectiva femenina en la materia. | I would really love to get the woman's perspective on the matter. |
matter | Lamenta igualmente la falta de información sobre esta materia. | It further regrets the lack of available information about this matter. |
matter | Sería prematuro negociar una convención internacional sobre la materia. | It would be premature to negotiate an international convention on the matter. |
matter | Señor, sabremos la materia real... | Sir, we'll know the real matter... |
matter | Su telequinesis está modificando materia a nivel molecular. | Her telekinesis seems to be rearranging matter on a molecular level. |
matter | Mis anticuerpos atacarán cualquier materia extraña. | My blood's antibodies would attack it as they attack any invading matter. |
matter | Bohr descubrió los fundamentos de la materia universal. | Bohr unlocked the fundamental secrets of all matter in the universe. |
matter | Detecto grandes cantidades de materia oscura. | I'm detecting vast quantities of dark matter. |
matter | Toda materia biológica está profundamente enriquecida con carbono-12. | So the biological matter is profoundly enriched in carbon 12. |
matter | Me gustaría poner esta materia para descansar. | I would like to put this matter to rest. |
area | Esperábamos avances sustantivos en esta materia. | We hoped to see substantial progress in this area. |
area | En esta materia la jurisprudencia constitucional ha sido prolífica. | A wealth of constitutional jurisprudence has been produced in this area. |
field | Hay cuatro expertos en la materia. | There are four cutting-edge experts in the field. |
field | Se necesitan medidas eficaces en esta materia. | What is required are effective measures in this field. |
subject | Literatura es mi materia favorita. | Literature is my favourite subject. |
matter, substance | La materia puede estar en estado sólido, líquido o gaseoso. | Matter can exist in a solid, liquid or gaseous state. |
before we get down to business | Antes de entrar en materia, cuéntenme cómo les fue el fin de semana. | Before we get down to business, tell me how it went this past weekend. |
in [+ adjective] matters | Es alarmante el rezago del país en materia educativa. | The country's lagging behind in educational matters is alarming. |
in matters of | Hay grandes avances en materia de seguridad pública. | Great strides have been made in matters of public safety. |
raw material | La materia prima se somete a un proceso y se convierte en un producto terminado. | Raw material is processed and turned into a finished product. |
fundamental elements | Hicimos un gran equipo gracias a la materia prima: los jugadores | We made a great team thanks to the fundamental elements: the players. |