measure | Esta medida coyuntural funcionó de 2004 a 2008. | This was a stopgap measure that functioned from 2004 until 2008. |
measure | Esa medida discriminatoria y desproporcionada no puede justificarse. | Such a discriminatory and disproportionate measure could not be justified. |
measure | También podrá decretar el cierre temporal como medida cautelar. | It may also order their temporary closure as a provisional measure. |
measure | La justificación y determinación de la medida de protección ordenada. | They must be told the justification for and precise nature of the protective measure ordered. |
measure | Al ordenar esta medida el tribunal no determina anticipadamente su duración. | When ordering this measure the court does not determine its duration in advance. |
measure | Esta medida ayuda a detectar cargas sospechosas. | This measure is also helpful for checking suspicious cargo. |
measure | Sólo es una medida utilizada para tratar trastornos psiquiátricos graves. | It was just one measure used in the treatment of severe psychiatric disorders. |
measure | Sírvanse facilitar estadísticas sobre la aplicación de esta medida. | Please supply statistics of cases where this measure has been applied. |
measure | Se impuso prisión preventiva a 41 personas como medida cautelar. | Remand detention was imposed on 41 persons as a measure of restraint. |
measure | Supone que es una medida importante. | He thought it was a very important measure. |
measure | Como medida preventiva se han prohibido determinadas actividades. | A ban on activities was introduced as a preventive measure. |
measure | Que tenemos una medida de tiempo mientras dure. | That we have a measure of time as long as it lasts. |
measure | Esa era la medida ética adecuada. | It was the ethics of the proper measure. |
measure | Eso es la medida del acontecimiento. | That wasn't a measure of the experience. |
measure | Estas mentiras eran supuestamente una medida temporal. | These lies were supposed to be a temporary measure. |
measure | La medida marca el estallido del denominado Levantamiento de Enero. | The measure backfired, marking the outbreak of the so-called January Uprising. |
extent | Era algo que queríamos terminar en cierta medida. | It was something we wanted to wrap up to a certain extent. |
extent | La embolia puede causar parálisis en cierta medida. | The embolism is bound to cause paralysis to a certain extent. |
action | La Comisión no recomendó medida alguna al respecto. | The Commission did not recommend any action on the issue. |
action | Recalcó que había habido únicamente una medida reglamentaria firme. | He stressed that there had been only one final regulatory action. |
measurement | El codo es una antigua medida de longitud. | A cubit is an ancient measure of length. |
measurement | Las medidas del salón son seis metros por cinco. | The measurements of the room are six by five metres. |
step | La policía tomó una medida importante para disminuir los robos en la vecindad. | The police took an important step to reduce crime in the neighbourhood. |
custom-made | Los trajes hechos a la medida son muy costosos. | Custom-made suits are very expensive. |
to measure | Este sastre hace trajes a medida. | This tailor makes suits to measure. |
as | A medida que creces cambian tus gustos. | Your tastes change as you grow. |
whenever | A medida que surjan imprevistos modificaremos el plan original. | Whenever unforeseen events occur, we will modify the original plan. |
largely, greatly, primarily | Mi familia ha demostrado estar de acuerdo en buena medida con mi decisión. | My family has largely shown their agreement with my decision. |
to some extent, to some degree | Los resultados dependerán, en cierta medida, del esfuerzo que Juan ponga en el proyecto. | The results will depend, to some extent, on how much effort Juan puts into the project. |
in this respect | En esta medida, habrá que tomar decisiones urgentes en cuanto a la economía. | In this respect, urgent decisions regarding the economy will have to be taken. |
to a large extent | El salario de Juan no es muy bueno, en gran medida debido a su falta de especialización. | Juan's salary is not very good, to a large extent because of his lack of expertise. |
to the extent possible | En la medida de lo posible, intentaremos hacer todo el trayecto del viaje en un día. | To the extent possible, we will try to do the whole journey in one day. |
according to | El profesor le dijo a Rodrigo que, en la medida que se esfuerce, le subirá sus calificaciones. | The professor told Rodrigo that his grades would improve according to how hard he worked. |
to the same extent | En la misma medida en que Marcos invierta en publicidad, su empresa ganará más clientes. | To the same extent that Marcos invests in advertising, his company will acquire more clients. |
to a greater or lesser extent | Todos, en mayor o menor medida, nos esforzamos para asistir a las víctimas. | All of us, to a greater or lesser extent, strove to help the victims. |
in the proper way | Debemos preocuparnos por el asunto, pero en su justa medida. | We should focus on the topic, but in the proper way. |
especially made, specially made | Matías compró un traje hecho a la medida de la ocasión. | Matias bought a suit especially made for the occasion. |
injunction | El juez ordenó medida cautelar contra los acusados mientras avanzan las investigaciones. | The judge issued an injunction against the accused while the investigation was in progress. |
no security measures are sufficient, no security measures are enough | En eventos masivos toda medida de seguridad es poca. | In massive events no security measures are enough. |
custom made suit | Usa trajes hechos a la medida porque la ropa fina es su debilidad y le sobra el dinero. | He wears tailored suits as fine clothing is his weakness and he's well off. |
unit of measure, units of measurement | El metro y el litro son unidades de medida. | A metre and a litre are units of measurement (or: units of measure). |