matter | Tailandia estaba examinando cuidadosamente ese asunto. | Thailand was giving careful consideration to this matter. |
matter | La conclusión de este asunto es sencilla. | The conclusion to be drawn from this matter is simple. |
matter | Este asunto se examinará durante el proceso de revisión constitucional. | This will be a matter under consideration during the Constitutional Review process. |
matter | Otro asunto de grave preocupación es la deuda pendiente. | The outstanding stock of debt was another matter of serious concern. |
matter | Es un asunto familiar privado Su Señoría. | This is a private family matter, Your Honor. |
matter | Te ordenaron que dejaras el asunto. | You've been ordered to drop the matter. |
matter | Él sólo dirá que están investigando el asunto. | He only wants to say that they're looking into the matter. |
matter | Esto parece más un asunto del consejo escolar. | This seems more like a matter for the student council. |
matter | Ese asunto no debe tratarse por teléfono. | This is hardly a matter that should be discussed on the phone. |
matter | Estoy intentando ayudarte con un asunto de urgencia. | I'm trying to help you with a matter of some urgency. |
matter | Consejera, agradecería su consejo en este asunto. | Counselor... I would welcome your advice on this matter. |
matter | La CDI deberá abordar este asunto nuevamente. | The Commission should look into that matter once more. |
matter | Este asunto debía resolverse al recibir el cheque. | This matter was resolved... when I received your canceled severance check. |
matter | Sí. -Entregar estas cartas... no es asunto fácil. | Yes, I thought - Now, the handing over of such letters... is a far from easy matter to accomplish. |
matter | Es asunto de Dobara y mío. | I don't owe you an is a matter between Dobara and myself. |
matter | El Alto Comisionado sigue con atención este asunto. | This is a matter the High Commissioner is following closely. |
issue | Este asunto se examina frecuentemente en varios organismos intergubernamentales. | This issue is frequently examined in a number of intergovernmental bodies. |
issue | Este asunto debería abordarse con mentalidad abierta y disposición a mostrar flexibilidad. | This issue should be approached with an open mind and readiness to show flexibility. |
issue | Las delegaciones siempre tienen la posibilidad de plantear cualquier asunto. | The freedom to raise any issue is always there for any delegation. |
issue | Pero necesitas resolver este asunto con el escritor. | But you need to resolve your issue with the writer. |
matter | En la reunión se tratará el asunto de la limpieza de los garajes. | We'll be discussing the matter of keeping garages clean at the meeting. |
matter | Tengo un asunto pendiente con un cliente. | I've got a pending matter with a client. |