memory | Muchos dispositivos almacenan su memoria ahí. | A lot of handheld devices back up their memory state there. |
memory | Intentemos agregarle más memoria si podemos. | We should try to get more memory into it if we can. |
memory | La memoria de los detalles queda bloqueada. | Our memory of the details gets all fogged up. |
memory | Los transmisores tienen tres días de memoria. | Well, the field transmitters have a three-day memory. |
memory | Acabas de decir que tengo buena memoria. | Of course I do... you just said I have a good memory. |
memory | Necesitamos hallar algo más potente para estimular su memoria. | We need to find something more powerful to stimulate his memory. |
memory | Ok, déjame refrescarte la memoria. | All right, let me refresh your memory. |
memory | Veré si consigo avivarle la memoria. | Let me see if I can jog his memory. |
memory | Tienes mala memoria, Felice Martin. | You have a short memory, Felice Martin. |
memory | Llámalo memoria residual o como quieras. | Call it residual memory, whatever you want. |
memory | Parece haber desarreglado algo en mi memoria. | It seems to have dislodged something in my memory. |
memory | En tu memoria consigues controlar todo. | In your memory you get to control everything. |
memory | Perdió su memoria debido al accidente. | He lost his memory due to the accident. |
memory | Les rendimos homenaje y honramos su memoria. | We pay tribute to them and honour their memory. |
memory | Sobre todo los de la memoria. | Specifically, the ones for memory. That's good, fellas. |
memory | Veo que tu memoria aún flaquea. | Well, I can see your memory isn't quite there yet. |
memory | Bloquea porciones de su centro de memoria. | It's blocking several portions of her memory center. |
memory | Tienes muy buena memoria, yo no recordaba este lugar. | You have really good memory, I didn't remember this place. |
memory | No tengo memoria de mi infancia. | I don't have many memories of my childhood. |
memory | Todo mi trabajo está guardado en la memoria de mi computadora. | All of my work is saved on the memory of my computer. |
be forgetful, be scatterbrained | Anda un poco flaco de memoria, nunca sabe dónde deja sus llaves. | He is a little forgetful, he never knows where he left his keys. |
memorize | De niña tuve que aprender de memoria la tabla de multiplicar. | As a child, I had to memorize the multiplication table. |
erase from your memory, wipe from your memory | Debes borrar de la memoria el episodio y avanzar. | You must wipe the episode from your memory and move on. |
quote from memory | Puede citar de memoria muchos versos de Shakespeare. | She can quote many verses from Shakespeare from memory. |
by heart, by memory | Mi hermano recita de memoria los primeros cincuenta dígitos del número Pi. Aún sé la fórmula de la energía de memoria. | My brother recites the first fifty thousand digits of pi by heart. |
from memory | Te puedo decir el dato de memoria pero no estoy seguro de su exactitud. | I can tell you the information from memory but I'm not sure of its accuracy. |
for as long as I remember | Me gusta leer desde que tengo memoria. | I've liked reading for as long as I remember. |
exercise your memory | Si no quiere olvidarse fácilmente de las cosas, Francisco tendrá que ejercitar la memoria. | If he does not want to forget things easily, Francis will have to exercise his memory. |
in memory of | Hoy Marcos dará un discurso en memoria de los valientes combatientes. | Today, Marcos will give a speech in memory of the brave soldiers. |
short term memory | Le dieron un golpe en la cabeza y perdió la memoria a corto plazo. | He was hit on the head and lost his short term memory. |
the memory of an elephant | El jefe es distraído, por eso necesita una asistente con memoria de elefante. | My boss is scatterbrained; that's why he needs an assistant with the memory of an elephant. |
fish's memory, goldfish memory | Tengo memoria de pez: no suelo recordar lo que hice el día anterior. | I have a fish's memory: I rarely remember what I did the previous day. |
historical memory, historical evidence | En nuestro país muchos se dedican al estudio de la memoria histórica. | In our country many are dedicated to the study of historical memory. |
RAM | La memoria RAM almacena datos de forma temporal. | RAM stores information temporarily. |
recover your memory, regain your memory | Pedro recuperó la memoria de a poco. | Pedro regained his memory little by little. |
refresh [sb]'s memory, refresh one's memory | Pedro le refrescó la memoria a María. | Pedro refreshed Maria's memory. |
know something by heart | Aún sé la fórmula de la energía de memoria. | I still know the formula for energy by heart. |
memory card, memory stick | Se borró la tarjeta de memoria y he perdido las fotos del viaje. | The memory card was deleted and I lost the photos from the trip. |