military | No figura en ningún manual militar. | It does not exist in any military manual. |
military | 8.3 Vanuatu no tiene ejército militar. | 8.3 Vanuatu does not have a military army. |
military | Nunca ha tenido capacidad militar propia. | It has never had a military capacity of its own. |
military | Se como guardar un secreto militar. | I know how to keep a military secret. |
military | Jeon Doo-hwan impuso un nuevo régimen militar. | Jeon Doo-hwan took over with a new military regime. |
military | Es un principio de engaño militar. | Well, it's a principle of military deception. |
military | Dirigiríamos toda nuestra fuerza militar contra ese único objetivo. | We would train all our military might against this one target. |
military | La situación militar es muy confusa. | Nobody is familiar with the military situation anymore. |
military | Aquí hay información militar altamente clasificada. | (Computer beeps) There's high-level classified military intelligence on there. |
military | Reconozco una formación militar cuando la veo. | I recognize a military formation when I see one. |
military | Retirarán su escolta militar en la frontera. | You will cease your military escort at the border. |
military | Déjame llevarlos a una instalación militar para protegerlos. | Let me take them to a military facility for protection. |
military | Nos pondremos a la disposición de la autoridad militar. | First, we must put ourselves at the disposal of the military authorities. |
military | Presenté apelación ante un tribunal militar. | I submitted an appeal to a military court. |
military | Sin libreta militar no hay nada hermano. | You can't get any good ones without a military card. |
military | Son procedimientos de una dictadura militar. | These are the procedures of a military dictatorship. |
military | Quiere casarse con su uniforme militar. | He wants to get married in full military uniform. |
army | Alquila tu nariz como almacén militar. | Rent your nose to the army as a warehouse. |
military | El comando militar partió en misión de paz a la zona en conflicto. | The commando unit left the military base en route to the war zone. |
soldier | El hijo de mi vecina es militar. | My neighbor's son is a soldier. |
military academy | Mi vecino fue a una academia militar porque quería ser soldado. | My neighbor went to a military academy because he wanted to be a soldier. |
military band, army band | La banda militar ejecutó el himno nacional en el acto cívico. | The military band played the national anthem at the civic ceremony. |
military dictatorship | En una dictadura militar, el dictador pertenece a las fuerzas armadas. | In a military dictatorship, the dictator belongs to the armed forces. |
military coup | Argentina sufrió un golpe militar en 1976. | Argentina experienced a military coup in 1976. |
military intelligence | Los datos del enemigo recabados por la inteligencia militar se evalúan e interpretan. | The information that military intelligence obtains about the enemy is evaluated and interpreted. |
junta, military junta | Desde el golpe de Estado el país ha sido gobernado por una junta militar. | Since the coup d'état, the country has been governed by a junta (or: military junta). |
military service | En Israel el servicio militar es obligatorio. | In Israel military service is compulsory. |