mind | Pero tenía en mente algo diferente. | But I just had in mind something different. |
mind | Tu mente me está dando armas y modificaciones genéticas. | Already, your mind is rendering me weapons and genetic modifications. |
mind | Una mente madura lo aguanta todo. | With maturity, the mind can stand anything. |
mind | Los Daleks tienen una mente colectiva. | The Daleks, they have a hive mind. |
mind | Necesito tu mente trabajando a pleno rendimiento. | I need your mind working at it's best. |
mind | Porque tenía en mente un pequeño ejercicio. | 'Cause I had a little exercise in mind. |
mind | Siento que tienes mucho en mente. | I sense that you have a lot on your mind. |
mind | Sácate esos pensamientos de tu mente. | You put that thought out of your mind. |
mind | Pero tienes algo más en mente. | But you have something else on your mind. |
mind | Puedo recomendarlo, vigoriza la mente. | I can recommend it, it invigorates the mind. |
mind | Su mente es como una fortaleza. | So? - His mind is like a fortress. |
mind | Úsenla... para tranquilizar su mente. | Use it you can, to quiet your mind. |
mind | Podrían ser desvaríos de su mente perturbada. | They could be the ravings of her disturbed mind. |
mind | Estaba limpiando mi mente de impurezas y distracciones. | I was cleansing my mind of impurities, of disturbances. |
mind | Parecía liberar la mente de sus ataduras cotidianas. | It seemed to free the mind of its workaday constraints. |
mind | Hemos intentado meternos en su mente. | We've been trying to get into his mind. |
mind | Querías estudiarlo, analizar su mente. | You wanted to study him, tap his mind. |
mind | Saquen su mente de los días de patrulla. | Nothing like losing a little money to take your mind off those 1 4-hour patrols. |
head | Vienen pensamientos extraños a tu mente. | Strange thoughts come into your head and you better think them. |
head | Definitivamente podría contemplarlo en mi mente. | I can definitely wrap my head around it. |
mind | Tiene una mente muy lúcida. | She has a very lucid mind. |