minimum | Eso lo saca del mínimo obligatorio. | That gets him out from the mandatory minimum. |
minimum | No quiero sacarlo del mínimo obligatorio. | I don't want to get him out from the mandatory minimum. |
minimum | Son intransmisibles durante un período mínimo de cinco años. | They are not transferable for a minimum period of five years. |
minimum | No dice nada sobre el mínimo. | It doesn't say anything about a minimum. |
minimum | Mire, trabajaré por el mínimo... | Look, I'll work for the minimum... |
minimum | Quinientos dólares la hora, mínimo. | She's $500 an hour, minimum. |
minimum | La prescripción de máxima producción con mínimo estrés parecía funcionar. | The prescription for maximum output with minimum stress seemed to be working. |
minimum | Y supone cierto nivel mínimo de aptitud. | It does assume a certain minimum level of competence. |
minimum | Esta función no tiene máximo o mínimo global. | Note that this function has no global maximum or minimum. |
minimum | Con un alcance mínimo de 5.500 kilómetros. | With a minimum range of more than 5,500 kilometers. |
minimum | Si ganara el mínimo, probablemente tuviera razón... | If you earned the minimum you would probably be right... |
minimum | Eso sería como 5.000 mensuales mínimo. | That'd be like making five grand a month minimum. |
least | Habéis venido, es lo mínimo. | You came all this way, it's the least I could do. |
least | Entonces, lo mínimo es salvarlo. | In that case, the least we can do is save him. |
minimal | Podría photoshopearlo fuera por un costo mínimo. | I could just Photoshop him out for a small minimal cost. |
minimal | Racionalmente, el riesgo es mínimo. | Rationally speaking, the risks are pretty minimal. |
minimal | Entiendo que Alpha y Charlie tienen un contacto mínimo. | It's my understanding that Alpha and Charlie got minimal contact. |
minimal | Hay viento mínimo y techo elevado. | We have minimal winds and a very high ceiling. |
minimal | Intenté colocarlo donde ocasionara un daño mínimo. | I tried to place it somewhere there'd be minimal damage. |
minimal | Realmente parecía la sentencia sería mínimo, probablemente libertad condicional. | It really looked like the sentence would be minimal, probably probation. |
minimum | El salario mínimo apenas cubre las necesidades básicas de una familia. | The minimum wage barely covers the basic needs of a family. |
minimum | El restaurante estableció un mínimo de consumo para dar servicio a domicilio. | The restaurant set a minimum consumption for the delivery service. |
to a minimum | Debemos mantener los gastos al mínimo o no llegaremos a fin de mes. | We must keep expenses down to a minimum or else we won't make ends meet. |
at least | Tienes que estudiar un tema de sociales como mínimo. | There is at least one piece missing from the puzzle. |
the path of least resistance | La cultura del mínimo esfuerzo ha creado un país de conformistas. | A culture of minimal effort has bred a nation of conformists. |
minimum, minimum quota | El curso se abrirá con un cupo mínimo de 8 estudiantes. | The course will be open to a minimum of 8 students. |
in the least, in the slightest | La situación no me afecta en lo más mínimo. | The situation doesn't affect me in the least. |
path of least resistance, line of least resistance | Mi hermano maneja su vida con la ley del mínimo esfuerzo, ¡nunca hace nada! | My brother leads his life by the path of least resistance. He never does anything! |
at all | No me importa lo más mínimo lo que usted opine sobre mí. | I'm not at all bothered what you think about me. |
tiniest error, slightest error | Un mínimo error en el quirófano puede traer graves consecuencias. | The tiniest error in surgery can lead to serious consequences. |
minimum wage | Los manifestantes reclaman un aumento del salario mínimo. | The protesters are calling for an increase in the minimum wage. |