minister | Cada ministro dirige al menos un departamento ministerial. | Each minister is in charge of at least one department. |
minister | Me sorprendió más el ex primer ministro británico. | I was surprised most by the former British prime minister. |
minister | Un nuevo ministro del rey con mucho poder. | I see a new minister to the King in the most important position of all. |
minister | En línea cualquiera puede ordenarse como ministro. | Anyone can go online and get ordained as a minister. |
minister | El marido ministro de la baronesa. | Well? - Well, the baroness's husband is minister of propaganda. |
premier | Nos arrestarían si nos aproximamos al primer ministro. | They will arrest us if we make a move toward the premier. |
minister | El ministro de Sanidad es abogado y no médico. | The minister of Health is a lawyer and not a doctor. |
minister | Un ministro de Dios es sagrado. | A minister of God is sacred. |