mom | Tu mamá no parece necesitar una disculpa. | Your mom doesn't seem to need an apology. |
mom | Mi mamá también con calabaza asada y zanahorias. | My mom does too, with roast pumpkin and carrots. |
mom | He estado pensando en mi mamá. | I have been thinking a lot about my mom lately. |
mom | Mi mamá debe haberlas tirado sin mostrármelas. | My mom must have thrown them away without showing them to me. |
mom | Habla con mamá como si estuviera. | He talks to himself to my mom like she's still here. |
mom | Quiero decírselo a alguien, mamá. | I want to tell someone, mom. Abby. |
mom | Quiero volver al colegio, mamá. | I want to go back to school, mom. |
mom | Tu mamá tiene derecho a tomar vacaciones. | Your mom has a right to take a vacation. |
mom | Papá, debo hablar con mamá. | Dad, I've got to talk to mom. |
mother | Incluso hasta podría haber matado a mamá... | She might have even killed our mother too. She's... |
mother | Mañana recuerda llamar a tu mamá. | Don't forget to call your mother tomorrow. |
mother | Tu mamá amó cada minuto contigo. | Jess, your mother loved every minute with you. |
mother | Tu mamá quería irse con todo. | [CHUCKLES] Your mother wanted to pull out all the stops. |
Mom | Yo también soy importante, mamá. | SARA: Anna, listen - I'm important too, Mom. |
mom, mommy | Su mamá lo echó a perder con tantos mimos. | His mom (or: mommy) spoiled him by coddling him. |
mama's boy | Hagas lo que hagas nunca te cases con un niño de mamá. | Whatever you do, never marry a mama's boy. |