instant | Pensar que dudé de tu hermosura por un instante. | To think that I doubted your loveliness for an instant. |
moment | En este instante aún eran personajes desconocidos. | These characters at this moment were not recognized yet. |
moment | No quisiera perderme ni un instante. | I wouldn't want to miss a moment of it. |
moment | No hizo tantas distinciones hace un instante. | You didn't seem quite so discriminating a moment ago. |
moment | En este instante, la tecnología produjo algo sorprendente. | At this moment, the vaunted technology has produced something astonishing. |
moment | Hace un instante reían y cabalgaban... | A moment ago, they were laughing and riding around... |
moment | Cualquier chica sensata deslizaría este instante. | Any sensible girl would swipe left in this moment. |
moment | En aquel instante volvió el dolor. | In that moment, the pain started again. |
moment | Desde este instante, están todos castigados. | As of this moment, you are all grounded. |
moment | Nadie me amenaza justo en este instante. | No one is threatening me right at this moment. |
moment | Eliminará todo instante de tu existencia. | It will erase every moment of your existence. |
moment | En este preciso instante solo podemos confiar. | At the precise moment, that one can not trust... |
minute | Por un instante perdemos el miedo. | You don't feel frightened for a minute. |
minute | Por un instante pensé que teníamos problemas. | I thought we were in trouble for a minute. |
minute | Por un instante no dijo nada. | Well, for a minute he didn't say anything. |
minute | Por un instante pensé en posibilidades inusitadas. | I thought for a minute you had wonderful possibilities. |
minute | Pasará por aquí en cualquier instante. | He'll be passing by here any minute. |
minute | Necesito pensar esto por un instante. | I need a minute to think this through. |
instant, moment | Era casi un genio, le bastó un instante para entender el problema. | He was almost a genius, it only took him an instant (or: moment) to understand the problem. |