mark | Quizás les gustaba marcar su propiedad. | Maybe they liked to mark their own property. |
mark | Quiero marcar mi reinado con gloria. | I wish to mark my reign with glory. |
mark | Debemos subir y marcar nuestro territorio según la tradición lémur. | We must go up there and mark our territory -in the traditional lemur way. |
mark | Querrá marcar eso en sus notas. | You might want to mark that down in your notes. |
mark | Ven, muchos narcotraficantes acostumbran marcar sus productos. | See, a lot of drug dealers use stickers to mark their products. |
mark | Quiero marcar el momento exacto de esta feliz ocasión. | I want to mark the exact moment of this auspicious occasion. |
mark | Para marcar los límites de la infección. | It's to mark the borders of the infection. |
mark | Pusieron una pared en medio para marcar la frontera. | They built a wall down the middle to mark the border, so it's really hard to visit. |
mark | Tienes que defenderte y marcar tu territorio. | You have to stand up for yourself and mark your territory. |
make | Ésas podrían ser circunstancias atenuantes y marcar una gran diferencia. | Those could be mitigating circumstances and they could make a very big difference. |
make | No todos podemos marcar una diferencia. | Not all of us get to make a difference. |
make | Necesita marcar una diferencia en su vida primero. | He needs to make a difference in his life first. |
make | Siento que podría marcar una diferencia. | I feel like it might make a difference. |
make | LIFE+ pretende marcar una diferencia. | LIFE + sets out to make a difference. |
dial | Cuando intento marcar, solo oigo clics. | All I hear when I try to dial is a bunch of clicks. |
dial | Debe marcar el nueve para salir. | And you have to dial nine to get out. |
dial | Servicios de Emergencias, marcar 999. | [Computer Voice] Emergency Services, dial 9-9-9. |
mark | Juliana marcó la página del libro cuando dejó de leer. | Juliana marked the page she had read up to. |
indicate, show | Hace un calor insoportable; el termómetro marca 40°C. | It's unbearably hot; the thermometer is showing 40°C. |
mark | La Revolución Francesa marcó el inicio de la época contemporánea en Europa. | The French revolution marked the beginning of the modern era in Europe. |
dial | Marca 0034 para llamar a España. | Dial 0034 to call Spain. |
leave a mark on | El concierto me marcó: quedé con una sonrisa toda la noche. | The concert left a mark on me. I was smiling all night. |
brand for life, scar for ever | Su vida en el orfanato marcó a fuego a Pedro. | His life in the orphanage scarred Pedro for ever. |
keep your distance | Mariana siempre marca distancia con sus compañeros de trabajo. | Maria always keeps her distance from her workmates. |
set the pace, set the beat, set the rhythm | La profesora de baile marcaba el ritmo con las palmas. | The dance professor set the pace with her hands. |
make the difference | Una buena presentación siempre marca la diferencia. | Good presentation always makes the difference. |
mark a milestone | Internet supone un antes y un después en la historia de las comunicaciones humanas. | The Internet marks a milestone in the history of human communications. |
become a milestone | El atleta brasileño marcó un hito en la historia de su país. | The Brazilian athlete became a milestone in the history of his country. |
score | Estamos celebrando porque mi equipo acaba de marcar un tanto. | We are celebrating because my team just scored a point. |