mouth | Administrar con alimento o directamente en la boca. | To be administered with food or directly into the mouth. |
mouth | Colóquela en su boca y se deshará inmediatamente. | Place it in your mouth and it will disperse immediately. |
mouth | Nunca dices nada y cuando abres la boca... | You don't say anything all day, and then when You open your mouth... |
mouth | Esa Anita tiene una boca preciosa. | She has a lovely mouth, that Anita. |
mouth | Cierra esa sucia boca de sapo. | You keep your dirty mouth off the dealer. |
mouth | Debiste haberla besado en la boca. | You should've kissed her on the mouth. |
mouth | No lo harías con tu boca. | Mmmhmm. You just wouldn't make it out of your mouth. |
mouth | Siempre abres la boca sin pensar. | You always open your mouth before you even think. |
mouth | Ahora tu obscena boca permanecerá abierta eternamente. | Now your filthy mouth shall remain open for eternity. |
mouth | Probablemente debí mantener la boca cerrada. | I probably should've kept my mouth shut. |
mouth | Solo quería abofetearle en su boca. | I just wanted to slap the taste right out of his mouth. |
mouth | Porque está goteando en mi boca. | 'Cause it's starting to drip in my mouth. |
mouth | Esas cosas pueden resecarte la boca. | Those things can really dry out your mouth. |
mouth | Solías vomitar en tu propia boca. | You used to puke in your own mouth. |
mouth | La boca que siempre me recordaba otra boca. | A mouth that always reminded me of another mouth. |
mouth | Usted pone la publicidad de boca en boca y el mercadeo. | You provide the word of mouth and marketing. |
mouth | Por supuesto, Internet es un complemento del boca a boca. | Clearly, the Internet is complementary to word of mouth. |
mouth | Tu boca pasó de una boca feliz a una boca triste. | Your mouth went from a happy mouth to a sad mouth. |
mouth | Besé su boca, su boca... lengua en boca. | I kissed your mouth, I put language in your mouth. |
mouth | Esa mujer tiene una boca preciosa de labios sensuales y dientes blancos. | That woman has a lovely mouth with full lips and white teeth. |
entrance | La boca del metro más próxima está a 100 metros de aquí. | The nearest underground entrance is 100 metres away. |
point-blank | Luis me contó a boca de jarro la verdad sobre su infidelidad. | Luis told me point-blank the truth about his infidelity. |
swimmingly, perfectly | Las negociaciones salieron a pedir de boca y conseguimos todo lo que queríamos. | The negotiations went swimmingly and we got everything we wanted. |
be talked about, be the talk of the town | El nuevo amorío de la actriz anda en boca de todos. | The actress's new fling is the talk of the town. |
acid reflux | El tabaco, el café y el alcohol pueden causar ardor en la boca del estómago. | Tobacco, coffee, and alcohol can cause acid reflux in the pit of the
stomach.. |
face down | Me duele todo porque anoche dormí boca abajo. | Everything hurts because last night I slept face down. The mailman tripped and fell face down in my garden. |
bitter taste, bitter aftertaste | Ese vino deja la boca amarga, no me gusta. | This wine leaves a bitter aftertaste; I don't like it. |
face up | Mi esposo ronca por las noches cuando se acuesta boca arriba. | My husband snores at night when he sleeps face up. |
mouth of a funnel | El cuello del jarrón de porcelana se abre como boca de embudo. | The neck of the porcelain pitcher opens like the mouth of a funnel. |
metro entrance, | Te espero en la boca de metro que está en la esquina. | I'll meet you at the subway entrance on the corner. |
pit of the stomach | Llamamos boca del estómago a la zona del epigastrio. | We call the epigastric area the pit of the stomach. |
bag opening | El mecanismo de la máquina cierra la boca del saco mediante la aplicación de calor. | The machine mechanism closes the bag opening with the use of heat. |
good taste in the mouth | Este vino me trae un buen sabor de boca de épocas pasadas. | This wine has left a good taste in my mouth of days gone by. |
roof of the mouth | Nació con una fisura en el cielo de la boca. | He was born with a fissure in the roof of his mouth. |
by word of mouth | La noticia corrió de boca en boca por toda la escuela. | The news spread through the entire school by word of mouth. |
come over as | De la boca para afuera es una buena persona, pero no sabes las cosas que hizo en su vida. | She comes over as a good person, but you don't know what she's done in her life. |
cut [sb] off | Juan se ofendió y dejó a María con la palabra en la boca. | Juan took offense and cut Maria off. |
go headlong, fall flat on your face | Laura se tropezó y se fue de bruces en plena calle. | Laura tripped and fell flat on her face in the middle of the street. |
venture into the lion's den | Pedro se metió en la boca del lobo cuando fue a ese peligroso barrio. | Pedro ventured into the lion's den when he went to that dangerous neighborhood. |
be left with one's mouth open | Julieta se quedó con la boca abierta cuando leyó la noticia. | Julieta was left with her mouth open when she read the news. |