work | Algunos de estos subcontratistas ejecutan partes importantes de la obra. | Some of the trade contractors which are excluded from the programme have significant portions of work. |
work | Conozco la obra de un profesional. | 'Cause I know the work of a pro. |
work | Ya intento encajarlo en mi obra. | I think I try to factor that into my work. |
work | Es difícil montar una obra así. | It must be difficult getting a work like this on. |
work | Todo esto es obra de varios jóvenes delincuentes. | This scheme was supposedly the work of several juvenile delinquents. |
work | Parece obra de un carnicero aficionado. | The work of an amateur butcher, I should say. |
work | Una galería había exhibido su obra. | A Santa Monica gallery had mounted a showing of her work. |
work | Pareció obra de un mafioso yanqui. | It was the work of a Yanqui gangster. |
work | También... te costará encontrar mi obra publicada. | Also... you may struggle to find my work in published form. |
play | Había una canción realmente importante para la obra. | There was a really important music piece of our play on it. |
play | He leído la obra. Maravillosa. | But I read your play, and it's nothing short of marvelous. |
play | Estaba intentando recaudar dinero para su obra. | He's trying to raise money for his play. |
play | Estuve aquí escribiendo una obra con Mortimer Brewster. | I was right here writing a play with Mortimer Brewster. |
play | Dinah, sólo haré la obra con usted. | Dinah, I am not going to do the play with anyone else but you. |
play | Evidentemente no participé en la obra. | Well needless to say I didn't go up in that play. |
play | El gobierno considera imprudente continuar con esta obra. | The government feels it would be unwise to go on with this play. |
play | Estuviste en la obra del bachillerato. | You were in the play at the high school. |
play | Fue como representar una obra teatral. | It was like they were putting on a play. |
piece | Hay otra obra llamada La pesadilla. | There's also another piece called 'The Nightmare'. |
piece | Es una magnífica obra de ingeniería. | This is a magnificent piece of road building. |
work | Ese cuadro es una verdadera obra. | This painting is a work of art. |
work | Me encanta la obra de Picasso. | I love the work of Picasso. |
construction site, building site | Desde mi ventana puedo ver cinco obras. | I can see five construction sites from my window. |
on site | El ingeniero siempre permanece a pie de obra para supervisar la construcción. | The engineer is always on site to oversee the construction. |
notice of works | Lanzaron el aviso de obra para el nuevo edificio. | The notice of works for the new building was published. |
labour costs | El coste de mano de obra fue mayor a las ganancias. | Labour costs outstripped earnings. |
site management | La dirección de obra está a cargo de un arquitecto famoso. | A famous architect is in charge of site management. |
foreman | El encargado de obra realiza el control de calidad de la construcción. | The foreman carries out quality control on the construction site. |
labour | La mano de obra es muy barata en este país. | Labour is very cheap in this country. |
get on with it, set to it | No hay tiempo que perder, amigos; ¡manos a la obra! | There's no time to lose, friends. Get on with it! |
concrete wall, retaining wall | Pusimos un murete de obra en el salón para dividir la habitación. | We put a concrete wall in the living room to divide the room. |
piece of architecture | La Casa de la Ópera de Sidney es una obra de arquitectura espectacular. | The Sidney Opera House is a spectacular piece of architecture. |
work of art | Mi padre adquirió esta obra de arte en una subasta. | My father acquired this work of art in an auction. |
work of art | La decoración de estos pasteles es una obra de arte. | The decoration on these cakes is a work of art. |
charitable work | Dar dinero a los necesitados es una obra de caridad. | Giving money to the needy is a charitable work. |
construction work, building work | Para comenzar la obra de construcción, se requiere autorización de la alcaldía. | Authorization from the mayor is required in order to start construction work. |
play | Luisa lleva dos años escribiendo una obra de teatro. | Luisa has spent two years writing a play. |
play | En la obra de teatro de la escuela, mi hijo representará al príncipe. | My son is the prince in the school play. |
literary work | La editorial publicó toda la obra literaria del autor. | The publishing house published all of the author's literary work. |
masterpiece | La pintura del autor es una obra maestra. | The artist's painting is a masterpiece. |
musical | Martín escribió una obra musical. | Martin wrote a musical. |
public works | Todos los habitantes pueden hacer uso de las obras públicas de la ciudad. | All residents can make use of the city's public works. |
play, stage play, theatrical production | Mariana escribe obras teatrales. | Mariana writes plays. |