offer | Es necesario ofrecer antes de hacer nada. | It's become a necessity to offer one before doing anything. |
offer | Sinceramente me gustaría ofrecer algo a cambio. | I would really like to offer something in return. |
offer | Después te preguntaré qué crees que deberíamos ofrecer como acuerdo. | Afterwards, I'll ask you what you think we should offer as a settlement. |
offer | No creo que podamos ofrecer ninguna garantía. | Doctor, I do not believe we can offer any guarantees. |
offer | Apreciarán lo que tengo para ofrecer. | I thought you'd appreciate what I have to offer. |
offer | Yo le puedo ofrecer esas garantías. | THE ABBESS: I can offer the assurance you seek. |
offer | Nosotros... queríamos ofrecer nuestras condolencias. | We... We wanted to offer our condolences. |
offer | La educación oficial y pluralista debe ofrecer opciones filosóficas. | The public education and pluralist education systems are required to offer a choice. |
offer | Desearía ofrecer unos pocos parámetros de dicho tratado. | I would like to offer a few parameters for such a treaty. |
offer | Quizás como hombre y profesional podrías ofrecer alguna propina. | Maybe you could as a man and professional offer some tips. |
offer | Me gustaría ofrecer mi entera atención a su investigación. | I'd like to offer my full attention to your investigation. |
offer | Es costumbre ofrecer felicitaciones ante tales noticias, señor... | It is customary to offer your congratulations at such news, sir... |
offer | Y está en posición de ofrecer muchos favores. | And he's in a position to offer a lot more favors. |
offer | Sólo quiero ofrecer mis oraciones para los muertos. | I just want to offer my prayers for the deceased. |
offer | No sabía cuánto tenían para ofrecer. | I had no idea how much it had to offer. |
offer | Miami tiene más cosas que ofrecer. | Miami has so many other things to offer. |
provide | Sudáfrica demostró su capacidad para ofrecer asistencia judicial. | South Africa demonstrated the ability to provide mutual legal assistance. |
provide | Sírvanse ofrecer datos sobre las cuestiones mencionadas anteriormente. | Please provide data concerning the requirements referred to immediately above. |
offer, provide | Esta clínica ofrece servicios médicos gratuitos a los indigentes. | This clinic offers free medical services to the poor. |
offer | Mi padre ofreció comprarme un coche si mejoro mis calificaciones en la escuela. | My father offered to buy me a car if I improve my grades at school. |
give | Ofrecieron una comida en mi empresa para homenajear a las madres en su día. | They gave a lunch at my company to celebrate mothers on their day. |
offer, offer up | En el mes de mayo los niños ofrecen flores a la Virgen María en la iglesia. | In the month of May, children offer flowers to the Virgin Mary at church. |
give | Hazle caso a tu abuelo, él siempre ofrece buenos consejos. | Heed your grandfather, he always gives good advice. |