part | Parecen desprender ingratitud por vuestra parte. | They seem to infer some lack of appreciation on your part. |
part | También forma parte del espacio Schengen. | Furthermore, it is part of the Schengen space. |
part | Mientras que la parte de la 1ª parte será citada como parte de la 1ª parte, parte de la 2ª parte será referida como el defensor... | Inasmuch as the party of the first part shall be known as the party of the first part, notwithstanding the party of the second part shall be referred to as the respondent... |
part | Íbamos a hacer nuestro show y el show debía ser parte circo parte reunión política, parte encuentro espiritual, parte baile. | When we went to do our show... my idea was that the show should be part circus, part political rally... part spiritual meeting, part dance party. |
part | Es parte fantasía, parte comunidad. | It's part fantasy, part community. |
part | Es parte sal, parte azúcar. | It's part salt, part sugar. |
part | Nuestro trabajo era parte patrulla militar, parte misión diplomática. | Our job was part military patrol, part diplomatic mission. |
part | Es parte sentido, parte instinto. | It is part sense, part instinct. |
part | Nosotros ya somos parte extraterrestre y parte humana. | We already are part extraterrestrial and part human. |
part | Es parte coordinador de eventos, parte asociado en desarrollo. | It's part event coordinator, part development associate. |
part | La segunda parte no justifica la primera parte. | The second part doesn't excuse the first part. |
part | Es parte hipnótica, sedante parte. | It's part hypnotic, part sedative. |
part | Es parte hipnótico, parte sedante. | It's part hypnotic, part sedative. |
part | Es parte hombre, parte almohada... | He is part man, part pillow... |
part | Era parte mujer y parte bestia salvaje. | I mean, she was like part woman, part horrible beast. |
party | El Estado parte no mencionó ningún país concreto. | The State party did not refer to any specific country. |
party | El Estado parte tampoco había proporcionado indemnización al autor. | The State party has also failed to provide compensation to the complainant. |
party | Somalia es parte contratante del Convenio. | Somalia is a contracting party to the Convention. |
party | Mientras que la parte de la 1ª parte será citada como parte de la 1ª parte, parte de la 2ª parte será referida como el defensor... | Inasmuch as the party of the first part shall be known as the party of the first part, notwithstanding the party of the second part shall be referred to as the respondent... |
party | Cada Estado parte será examinado por otros dos Estados parte. | Each State party shall be reviewed by two other States parties. |
part | Los socios dedican una parte de su tiempo a los pobres. | The partners dedicate part of their time to the poor. |
notice | La dirección envió un parte de aviso a los huelguistas. | Management sent a warning notice to the strikers. |
go cry on [sb] else's shoulder | Siempre te estoy sacando las castañas del fuego. Ahora, a quejarse, a otro lado. | I'm always getting you out of trouble. Now, go cry on somebody else's shoulders. |
we won't get anywhere that way | Hace horas que discutimos y no me escuchas, así no vamos a ninguna parte. | We have been arguing for hours and you are not listening to me. We won't get anywhere that way. |
as part of | Veremos algunas nociones de anatomía como parte de este curso. | We will observe various topics of anatomy as part of this course. |
report [sth] | Tienes que dar parte de tu llegada al país. | You have to report your arrival to the country. |
report to [sb] | Cuando me robaron el auto, de inmediato di parte a la policía. | When my car was stolen, I immediately reported it to the police. |
report [sth] to [sb] | ¡Da parte del incendio a los bomberos! | Report the fire to the fire brigade! |
involve [sb] in [sth], engage [sb] in [sth] | Nuestro padre nos dio parte en la empresa familiar desde que éramos adolescentes. | Our father involved us in the family business since we were teenagers. |
report [sth] | El capitán dio parte de un altercado entre dos de sus subalternos. | The captain reported an altercation between two of his subordinates. |
from somewhere else | Prueba este queso fino, es de otra parte. | Try this fine cheese; it is from somewhere else. |
from another place | Las aves migratorias vienen de otra parte. | Migratory birds come from another place. |
on behalf of | La secretaria llamó de parte del director para cancelar la reunión. El mensajero, que venía de parte del rey, atravesó bosques y montañas para llegar a la aldea. | The secretary called on behalf of the director to cancel the meeting. |
on [sth]'s side, on [sb]'s side | Con sus últimas declaraciones, el ministro parece estar de parte del enemigo. | With his latest statements, the Minister appears to be on the enemy's side. |
for some time now | Pablo ha estado actuando raro de un tiempo a esta parte. | Pablo has been acting strangely for some time now. |
from a part, from a section, from one side | Tomemos las flores de una parte buena del jardín. | We took the flowers from a pretty part of the garden |
from a place | Viene de una parte remota y diferente. | He comes from a remote and different place. |
largely, greatly, primarily | Este medicamento ha mejorado en buena parte los síntomas de Mario. | This drug has greatly improved Mario's symptoms. |
anywhere | No es un tema delicado: podemos conversarlo en cualquier parte. | It's not a thorny subject: we can talk about it anywhere. |
to a large extent | El salario de Juan no es muy bueno, en gran medida debido a su falta de especialización. | Juan's salary is not very good, to a large extent because of his lack of expertise. |
at the bottom | Hace menos frío en la parte de abajo de la montaña. | It's cooler at the bottom of the mountain. |
at the top | La caja fuerte está en la parte de arriba. | The safe is at the top. |
at the bottom | La maleta tiene un par de ruedas en la parte inferior. | The suitcase has a couple of wheels at the bottom. |
at the top | Las hélices están ubicadas en la parte superior del helicóptero. | The propellers are located at the top of the helicopter. |
on the back, on the rear side | En la parte trasera del sobre, está especificado el fabricante. | The manufacturer is listed on the back of the envelope. |
anywhere | Por más que busque, Martín no encuentra el cuchillo en ninguna parte. | As much as he looked, Martin could not find the knife anywhere. |
in part | Con la contratación de cinco nuevos empleados, podremos solucionar en parte los problemas de la compañía. | By hiring five new employees, we will be able to solve the company's problems in part. |
be part of | Nuestra empresa ahora forma parte de una importante organización internacional. | Our company is now part of a major multinational. |
be part of | Aprender a esquivar golpes forma parte del entrenamiento de un boxeador. | Learning to dodge punches is part of boxing training. |
wander | Pablo iba a ninguna parte, sólo disfrutaba el paseo. | Pablo was wandering and just enjoying the walk. |
take your business elsewhere | Mira, vete con la música a otra parte; deja de ser tan pesado con que nos casemos. | Look, take your business elsewhere; stop being so persistent about our getting married. |
everyone involved | Siempre hay que considerar la parte y el todo. | We must always bare in mind everyone involved. |
call on behalf of [sb] | La secretaria llamó de parte del jefe. | The secretary called on behalf of the boss. |
not go anywhere | No irás a ninguna parte hasta que hagas tu tarea. | You're not going anywhere until you finish your homework. |
not go anywhere, become stagnant | Por culpa de la crisis el sector industrial no va a ninguna parte. | Susie isn't going to get anywhere in life if she keeps neglecting her studies. |
contracting party | La parte contratante debe pagar los servicios prestados a la parte contratada. | The contracting party must pay services rendered by the contractor. |
interested party | La parte interesada llevó el caso a los tribunales. | The interested party brought the case to the courts. |
medical report | Según el parte médico, el futbolista deberá permanecer en reposo por tres meses. | According to the medical report, the football player will have to stay on bed rest for three months. |
do your bit | Todos tenemos que poner de nuestra parte para hacer las paces. | We all have to do our bit to make peace. |
on the other hand | Por una parte, me parece que tu propuesta es buena; por otra parte, me gustaría saber más sobre los costos. | On the one hand, your proposal sounds good; on the other hand, I'd like to know more about costs. |
furthermore | Por otro lado, justificaremos la viabilidad económica del proyecto. | Furthermore, we'll justify the economic viability of the project. |
for its part, for his part, for her part | Pedro, por su lado, debería revisar sus acciones y disculparse. | Pedro, for his part, should review his actions and apologize. |
on the one hand | Por una parte, te entiendo, y por la otra, preferiría que cambiaras de opinión. | On the one hand I understand and, on the other, I want you to change your mind. |
be judge and jury | Los criminales quieren hacer las leyes pero no pueden ser arte y parte. | Criminals want to make the laws, but they can't be judge and jury. |
have your head somewhere else, have your head in the clouds | Concéntrate porque tienes la cabeza en otra parte. | Concentrate; you've got your head somewhere else. |
come on behalf of [sb] | El mensajero, que venía de parte del rey, atravesó bosques y montañas para llegar a la aldea. | The messenger, who came on behalf of the king, went through forests and mountains to reach the village. |