
Put La Poner En De El Puso Set

Index 91
Question poner
Question sentences
Debía poner algo en la tarjeta.
Olvidaste poner una hoja de té.
Answer put; make; set
Answer sentences and translations
putDebía poner algo en la tarjeta.I had to put something on the card.
putOlvidaste poner una hoja de té.You forgot to put even one sheet of the tea.
putPrimero tengo que poner papel debajo.I need to put some paper down first.
putNecesitamos poner cierta distancia entre nosotros y esa fragata.We need to put some distance between us and that frigate.
putPodemos poner cualquier número que queramos.We can put any digits in we want.
putNo le permitía poner luz eléctrica.He wouldn't let her put the electric light in.
putNo tendrás que poner mucho tiempo.You won't have to put in that much time.
putOlvidamos poner dinero bajo su almohada.We forgot to put money under his pillow.
putNo hemos conseguido poner nada en práctica.We haven't managed to put anything into practice.
putOlvidaron poner la ventilación cuando renovaron las habitaciones.They forgot to put in ventilation vents when they renovated the rooms.
putOlvídalo. Ahí deben poner sus pelotas.I bet that's where they put their basketballs.
putPodría poner una bomba en tu cangrejo.He could put a bomb in your crab shell you wouldn't even know it.
putY te quiero poner protección policíaca.And I want to put protective detail on you.
putTenemos que poner la ciudad cerrada inmediatamente.We need to put the city on lock down immediately.
putAl arma le puedes poner silenciador...To the weapon you can put him/her muffler...
makeMe estás empezando a poner nerviosa.Woogie. you're starting to make me a little nervous.
setMira... quizás podemos poner algunas reglas.Look... maybe we could set some ground rules.
setSólo tenemos que poner una fecha.All we have to do is set a date.
putEl bibliotecario puso los libros en los estantes.The librarian put the books on the shelves.
put, placeLa vida puso al ministro entre la espada y la pared.Life put the minister between a rock and a hard place.
make, pullNo pongas mala cara cuando te pidan un favor.Don't make a face when I ask you a favor.
put downPon tus datos con letra legible en el formulario.Put your information down clearly on the form.
open, establishVan a poner una zapatería en la esquina de esta calle.They are going to open a shoe store on the corner of this street.
sendAyer te puse la carta, espero que la recibas la próxima semana.I sent you the letter yesterday; you should get it next week.
giveReprobé física, el maestro me puso cero en el examen.I failed physics; the teacher gave me a zero in the exam.
layLa tortuga pone huevos en la playa.The turtle lays eggs on the beach.
add, putSi sufres de presión arterial alta no le debes poner sal a la comida.If you have high blood pressure, you shouldn't add salt to (or: put salt on) your food.
put upEs imposible levantar una empresa sin poner dinero.It's impossible to start a business without putting up some money.
imposeLe pusieron una sanción a la empresa por la existencia de condiciones inseguras de trabajo.They imposed a penalty on the company for having unsafe working conditions.
put onDespués de bañar al niño, ponle ropa limpia.After bathing the baby, put clean clothes on him.
set a date, provide a dateMe pusieron fecha el 2 de noviembre para la audiencia.They set a date for my hearing: November 2.
reveal [sth]El gerente dejó su propuesta en evidencia.The manager revealed his plan.
show [sb] upNo me dejes en evidencia ante mis suegros.Don't show me up in front of my in-laws.
put into practiceEspero que tu teoría funcione cuando la lleves a la práctica.I hope your theory works when you put it into practice.
put downMi colega me estuvo criticando a mis espaldas; me puso como un trapo.My colleague was criticizing me behind my back; he was always putting me down.
lay into [sb]La madre de Carla la puso como un trapo por haber tirado la tarta al suelo.Carla's mother laid into her for having thrown the cake on the ground.
rip [sb] to pieces, have a right go at [sb]Los periodistas pusieron a caldo al actor por su impuntualidad.The journalists ripped the actor to pieces for his tardiness.
put [sb] to sleepPon a dormir al bebé que es tarde para que esté despierto.Put the baby to sleep; it's too late for him to be up.
panLos críticos han puesto a parir la película.The move has been panned by critics.
be a pain in the neckMi hijo pequeño me puso a parir con sus preguntas sobre sexo.My young child was a pain in the neck with his questions about sex.
put to the testLa directora puso a prueba a su nuevo secretario pidiéndole que organizara su agenda para la próxima semana.The director put her new secretary to the test, asking him to organise her agenda for the following week.
keep at bayVoy a tener que ponerte a raya, estás abusando del café.Countries in debt must keep their creditors at bay.
bring [sb] up-to-dateMás vale que te pongas al corriente de lo que está pasando.You had better bring yourself up-to-date on what is happening.
informCada viernes tengo que poner al tanto a la dirección de los cambios semanales.Every Friday, I have to inform management about changes that happened during the week.
drive [sb] madEsa manía suya de chirriar los dientes me pone cardiaco.That annoying habit he has of grinding his teeth drives me mad.
put a stop to, put an end toTienes que poner coto a su insolencia o dentro de poco no habrá forma de controlarlo.You have to put a stop to all his insolence before it gets out of control.
cheat on [sb]Felipe le puso cuernos a su mujer y terminaron divorciados.Felipe cheated on his wife and they got divorced.
get on [sb]'s nervesEste chico me pone de los nervios con sus comentarios impertinentes.This boy gets on my nerves with his impertinent remarks.
lay bare, bring to lightLa gran tasa de desempleo pone de manifiesto la gravedad de la crisis económica.The high rate of unemployment brings to light the severity of the economic crisis.
highlightEl político puso de relieve la gran cordialidad que hubo entre los dos líderes.The politician highlighted the friendliness between the two leaders.
do your bitTodos tenemos que poner de nuestra parte para hacer las paces.We all have to do our bit to make peace.
cheat on [sb]Mi primera decepción amorosa fue cuando Luisa me puso el cuerno.My first broken heart was when Luisa cheated on me.
set the bar high, set high standardsEl jurado espera que esta cantante ponga el listón alto en el concurso de canto.The jury hopes that the singer will set high standards in the singing contest.
put into contextDaré un ejemplo para poner en contexto lo que intento explicar.I will give an example in order to put into context what I am trying to explain.
question, doubtEl profesor puso en duda mi explicación.The professor questioned my explanation.
cast serious doubts onNuevos indicios ponen en entredicho las declaraciones del ejército acerca de que no hubo víctimas.New evidence casts serious doubts on the army's statements about there being no victims.
start up, turn onPuso en marcha el vehículo y salió del aparcamiento.He started up the vehicle and drove out of the parking lot.
set in motionHemos puesto en marcha un gran proyecto científico.We've set a big scientific project in motion.
put into practiceAhora que ya tienes las nociones teóricas, debes ponerlas en práctica.Now that you have the theoretical ideas, you need to put them into practice.
leave to soakPara que la receta salga bien, hay que poner la masa en remojo durante dos horas.For the recipe to turn out well, you should leave the dough to soak for two hours.
put on the back burnerComo el asunto era polémico, se decidió poner el tema en remojo y esperar un momento más adecuado.Since the matter was controversial, the decision was taken to put the subject on the back burner and wait for a more opportune moment.
put [sb] in their placeA esa chica nueva hay que ponerla en su sitio.That new girl has to be put in her place.
highlight the importance ofEn su discurso, el Ministro puso en valor el cuidado del medio ambiente.In his speech, the Minister highlighted the importance of caring for the environment.
set the tableChicos, poned la mesa, que ya está lista la cena.Boys, set the table. Dinner is ready.
hinderPara llegar a jefe, Juan les puso la zancadilla a muchos compañeros.Our rivals came up with strategies to hinder our progress.
get bigLa oposición puso los ojos en blanco ante las palabras del presidente.The opposition's eyes got big when they heard the president's speech.
roll your eyes (back)Cuando le daban ataques de epilepsia, ponía los ojos en blanco y babeaba.When he had epileptic fits, he would roll his eyes back and dribble.
take care ofHay que poner ojo en la educación de los hijos para que al crecer sean personas de bien.You have to take care of the education of children so that they grow up to be good people.
do [sth] half heartedlySi vas a hacer las cosas poniendo poco interés mejor no las hagas.If you insist on going about things with hardly any interest you might as well do nothing.
do a hatchet job on [sb]Esa revista siempre pone por los suelos a algún famoso.That magazine always does a hatchet job on celebrities.
lay on the tableEntre tú y yo, es mejor poner las cosas sobre la mesa y ser sinceros.Between you and me, it is best to lay things on the table and be sincere.
give an exampleNo entiendo tu explicación, ponme un ejemplo.I don't understand your explanation, give me an example.
badmouth, backstabSe dedicaron a poner verdes a sus compañeros de despacho.They were dedicated to badmouthing their co-workers.

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