party | Estaban dando cócteles en la fiesta. | They were giving out cocktails at the party. |
party | Es momento de hacer una fiesta. | It's the one time there's a party. |
party | Estaré siguiendo ésta fiesta muy de cerca en Twitter. | I'm going to be following this party very carefully... on Twitter. |
party | Es demasiado apresurado tener una fiesta. | It's a little early to be having a party. |
party | Yo solía comprar cervezas para una fiesta... | I used to buy ten cases of beer to a party. |
party | Ha conseguido organizaros una gran fiesta. | He did manage to throw you quite a party. |
party | Pensaron que podría contribuir en la fiesta. | They thought I might be able to contribute to the party. |
party | Dile que empaque y venga a nuestra fiesta. | Then tell him to pack his bags so he can join us at our party. |
party | Vosotros dos divertíos a la fiesta. | Have a good time at the party, you two. |
party | Esta fiesta está fuera de control. | (CAR ALARM BLARING) This party is getting out of control. |
party | Esta fiesta es acerca de Puñalada. | This party is all about the "Stab" movies. |
party | Pues... hiciste una grandiosa fiesta. | Well... You threw a very nice party. |
party | Esta noche tenemos una fiesta privada. | Now, tonight, we have a private party. |
party | Vas a la fiesta por ella. | You're going to that party, if only for her sake. |
party | Nadie viene a mi fiesta humanitaria. | No one's coming to my humanitarian party. |
feast | Creo que puedo arreglar tu fiesta oriental. | I think I can arrange your little feast from the East. |
feast | Nuestra anfitriona está amargando la fiesta. | Our poor hostess is a spectre at her own feast. |
holiday | Y celebraremos una gran fiesta mejicana juntos. | And we'll celebrate a big Mexican holiday together. |
holiday | Mañana en Barcelona fiesta regular y la fiesta más políticamente coloreado. | Tomorrow in Barcelona regular holiday and the most politically colored holiday. |
party | Montaron una fiesta por el aniversario de su amiga. | They held a party for the anniversary of their friend. |
party | Están haciendo una fiesta y la música se oye desde el otro extremo de la calle. | They're having a party and the music can be heard from the other end of the street. |
life of the party, life and soul of the party | Fernando siempre quiere ser el alma de la fiesta y no para de hacer chistes. | Fernando always wants to be the life of the party and doesn't stop making jokes. |
throw a party | La pareja dio una fiesta para celebrar su aniversario de bodas. | The couple threw a party to celebrate their wedding anniversary. |
partying, celebrating | Los universitarios faltaron a sus clases de la mañana porque anoche estuvieron de fiesta. Los fines de semana nos vamos de fiesta al pueblo de al lado. | The university students skipped the morning classes because they were partying last night. |
holiday | La Navidad es un día de fiesta en la mayoría de los países occidentales. | Christmas is a holiday in most Western countries. |
event of the year | La entrega de premios es la fiesta anual del cine. | The awards ceremony is cinema's event of the year. |
welcome-home party | Le organizaron una fiesta de bienvenida cuando volvió de la Universidad. | They arranged a welcome-home party when he came home from the University. |
birthday party | Hoy es la primera fiesta de cumpleaños del pequeño Tomás. | Today is little Tomás' first birthday party. |
going-away party | Cuando Laura anunció que se mudaba a Europa, sus amigos le prepararon una fiesta de despedida. | When Laura announced she would be moving to Europe her friends organised a going-away party for her. |
costume party | En el mes de octubre, hay fiestas de disfraces por toda la ciudad. | In the month of October there are costume parties all around the city. |
New Year's Eve party | Los invitados se abrazan en las fiestas de fin de año al dar la medianoche. | At New Year's Eve parties, guests hug one another at midnight. |
surprise party | Los amigos de Eva le prepararon una fiesta sorpresa por su cumpleaños. | Eva's friends organised a surprise party for her birthday. |
throw a party | Juan hizo una fiesta cuando se mudó a su nueva casa. | Juan threw a party when he moved into his new house. |
party invitation | Laura recibió una invitación para una fiesta empresarial. | Laura received a company party invitation. |
hit the town, paint the town red | María sale de fiesta siempre que puede. | Maria hits the town whenever she can. |
king of the party | A Pablo le encanta ser el rey de la fiesta a donde quiera que vaya. | Pablo loves to be the king of the party wherever he goes. |
keep partying | Lucila siguió de fiesta hasta la mañana siguiente. | Lucia kept partying until the next morning. |