past | Regresemos por un momento al pasado. | Let us go to the past for a moment. |
past | Jamás debemos olvidar las atrocidades del pasado. | We must never forget the atrocities of the past. |
past | En la perspectiva histórica la Argentina tiene un pasado contradictorio. | From a historical perspective, Argentina's past is one of contradictions. |
past | Puedes mudarte lejos si estás anclado al pasado. | You can't move forward if you're stuck in the past. |
past | Ojalá pudiera cambiarlo, el pasado. | I wish I could change it, the past. |
past | Creo que deberíamos acabar con el pasado. | I think that we should put the past... to rest. |
past | No derramo lágrimas por el pasado. | I shed no tears for the past, Monsieur Delbene. |
past | No puede seguir anclado al pasado. | He can't remain anchored to the past. |
past | Así el futuro recibe información nueva del pasado. | It's how the future receives new information from the past. |
past | Ya había pasado cuando me llamó. | I was walking past him, and he called me. |
happened | Pensé que te había pasado algo. | I was worried something had happened to you. |
happened | He decidido contarte todo que me ha pasado. | I have decided to tell you everything that has happened to me. |
happened | Quiero saber que ha pasado con Eleanor Preston. | I want to know what's happened to Eleanor Preston. |
happened | O puede haberle pasado algo terrible. | Or something terrible could have happened to him. |
happened | Me preocupaba que te hubiera pasado algo. | I was worried something might have happened to you. |
happened | Ha pasado que usted fabrica speed. | What happened is you're a speed manufacturer. |
happened | Eso debe haberle pasado a Taylor. | That's what must have happened to Taylor. |
happened | Me preocupa que algo haya pasado. | Man: I'm afraid something's happened. |
happened | Pensar qué buenos momentos han pasado aquí. | To think of all the good times that have happened here. |
happened | Voy a ver qué ha pasado. | I'll just go in the kitchen and find out what's happened. |
past | En el pasado solíamos juntarnos todos los sábados, pero ya hace tiempo que no lo hacemos. | In the past, we would get together every Saturday, but we have not done that for a while. |
past | Es necesario recordar el pasado para no repetir los errores. | It is necessary to remember the past in order to not repeat mistakes. |
past | Para pensar que todo tiempo pasado fue mejor, hay que tener más de 40 años. | During the past week, she ate at her favorite restaurant twice. |
last year | Las ventas de la empresa subieron un 30% en comparación con el año pasado. | Business sales rose by 30% on last year. |
learn from the past | No a todos les gusta aprender del pasado. | Not everyone likes to learn from the past. |
there's nothing to see here | Después de solucionar el problema aquí no habrá pasado nada. | Now we've dealt with the problem there's nothing to see here. |
thing of the past | La relación con Pedro es para María una cosa del pasado. | For Maria, her relationship with Pedro is a thing of the past. |
soft-boiled egg | Solo comí un huevo pasado por agua y un par de tostadas antes de venir a la oficina. | I only ate a soft-boiled egg and a couple of slices of toast before coming to the office. |
past participle | Roto es el participio pasado de romper. | Broken is the past participle of break. |
the day after tomorrow | María está estudiando porque pasado mañana tiene una prueba muy difícil. | Maria is studying because she has a difficult test the day after tomorrow. |
recent past | Lamentablemente, la dictadura es parte del pasado reciente de este país. | Sadly, the dictatorship is part of this country's recent past. |
dwell on the past | En lugar de remover el pasado, debemos concentrarnos en la situación actual. | We need to concentrate on our current situation instead of dwelling on the past. |
break with the past | Debes romper con el pasado para estar mejor. | You must break with the past to feel better. |
be water under the bridge | Esa pelea que tuvimos es cosa del pasado. | The fight we had is water under the bridge. |