pay | Si no pueden pagar, sencillamente abandonan el hospital. | If they could not afford to pay, they simply left the hospital. |
pay | Los beneficiarios podrán pagar derechos académicos . | The recipients will be able to pay the school fees. |
pay | Siempre le hago pagar por adelantado. | Did he pay? - I always make him pay up front. |
pay | Pero estoy dispuesto a pagar para averiguarlo. | But I'm willing to pay to find out. |
pay | Y no podrás pagar la renta. | If you replace the window, you can't pay your rent. |
pay | Lo rentamos hasta pagar el préstamo, obviamente. | We hire it out till we pay the loan back, obviously. |
pay | Están dispuestos a pagar casi eso. | They're willing to pay almost as much. |
pay | Nos tendría que pagar primas mensuales. | You'd have to pay us monthly premiums. |
pay | Aceptaría cualquier pedido, para poder pagar a las trabajadoras... | I would take orders from anyone at all to pay my workers, I can no longer pay them. |
pay | Prometiste no apostar y pagar tus deudas. | You promised to quit gambling, pay your debts. |
pay | Todavía tengo que pagar cuotas del mototaxi. | I still have to pay installments of the rickshaw. |
pay | Generalmente la tercera persona debería pagar. | Normally, the third person should pay as well. |
pay | Debemos pagar algunas facturas, más... | We need to pay some bills, more... |
pay | Pero la próxima tendrás que pagar. | But the upcoming You'll have to pay. |
pay | Estoy dispuesta a pagar para averiguarlo. | I'm willing to pay to find out. |
afford | No puedo pagar todo un guardarropa nuevo. | It's not like I can afford an entire new wardrobe. |
afford | No puedo pagar este departamento sola. | I can't afford this apartment on my own. |
pay off | No como para pagar nuestras deudas. | A Communist who is generous enough to pay off our mortgage. |
pay off | Podrías pagar tus hipotecas y dejarlo. | Could pay off your mortgages and walk away. |
pay | Pagué quinientos pesos por esta blusa. | I paid five hundred dollars for this blouse. |
pay | Mañana pagaré el primer abono del préstamo. | I'll pay the first loan payment tomorrow. |
pay | Si pagas a tiempo la luz, no te cortarán la electricidad. | If you pay the electricity bill on time they won't cut it. |
pay back | No pagues a nadie mal por mal; es mejor saber perdonar. | Don't pay anyone back an eye for an eye; it's better to forgive. |
pay for | Pagué caro el error de haberte contratado como mi asistente. | I paid dearly for the error of having contracted you as my assistant. |
repay | Te pagaremos como te mereces si traes pistas sobre el asesino. | We will pay you as you deserve if you bring clues regarding the assassin. |