little | El dolor irá remitiendo poco a poco. | The pain will go away little by little. |
little | Avanzando poco a poco, todos podríamos lograrlo. | Advancing little by little, we could all achieve that. |
little | Verla cobrar vida poco a poco. | Watching it come to life little by little. |
little | Niños, quisiera poder decirles que con los años no nos fuimos distanciando poco a poco. | Kids, I'd love to tell you that over years, we didn't all drift apart a little at one time or another. |
bit | Sin embargo, poco a poco, poco a poco, poco a poco... las piezas se unen... | Yet, as bit, by bit, by bit... the pieces come together... |
bit | Voy a disfrutar verlo desmoronarse poco a poco en sus partidos. | I'm going to enjoy watching you crumble bit by bit during your matches. |
bit | Solía estar un poco confundido un poco distraído. | I just used to get a bit confused... a bit distracted. |
bit | Los pueblos fueron reconstruidos poco a poco. | Bit by bit, the villages have been rebuilt. |
bit | Desmantelaré su poder poco a poco. | I will dismantle her power bit by bit. |
bit | Quizás sea un poco largo, pero para publicarlo hay que reforzarlo un poco. | Maybe it is a bit long, but - In order to publish it, we had to beef it up here and there. |
little | Queda poca leche en el frigorífico. | There is little milk left in the fridge. |
little | Hoy hace poco calor. | He is a little extreme for my liking. |
few, not many | Hay pocas personas tan generosas como tú. | There are few (or: not many) people as generous as you. |
not much | Los alumnos han trabajado poco y deberán terminar los deberes en casa. Mi hijo come poco y por eso está tan delgado. | The students haven't done much work and will have to finish their work at home. |