poison | Korsky se convertirá en un auténtico veneno. | With the blocking minorities called into play, Korsky is going to be like poison. |
poison | Alguien nos encerró allí y conectó el veneno. | Somebody locked us in there and turned on the poison. |
poison | Consigues elegir tu veneno, literalmente. | You get to pick your poison, literally. |
poison | Este veneno parece difundirse por todo su cuerpo. | This poison seems to be spreading throughout the whole of his system. |
poison | Pueden identificar el veneno en ellos. | So you can ID the poison from the beetles. |
poison | Estaba tratando de eliminar el veneno. | His body was trying to get rid of the poison. |
poison | Tu cuerpo ha absorbido el veneno. | This poison has been absorbed into your system. |
poison | Serpiente pequeña pero tiene su veneno. | No viper so little but hath its poison. |
poison | Entonces tomarán el veneno y todo terminará. | Then they'll drink the poison, and it will all be over. |
poison | Cuando quiera acabar contigo, no utilizaré veneno. | When I get ready to settle your hash, I won't bother with poison. |
poison | Dicen que tomaron veneno para ratas... | There are rumors that they took rat poison... |
poison | Hará falta mucho más veneno para derribarla. | It'll take a lot more poison to bring her down. |
poison | Primero pensé que había sido asfixia probablemente causada por veneno. | My first thought is that he died of asphyxia, most likely caused by poison. |
poison | Ojalá fuera para vos mortal veneno. | Would it were mortal poison, for thy sake. |
poison | Pudo ser veneno o una poción. | I mean, it could be poison or a potion. |
poison | Sólo tú pudiste haber escondido el veneno. | You're the only one who could have hidden the poison. |
poison | Debes haber vendido mucho veneno hoy. | You must have sold a ton of poison today. |
venom | Los procedimientos para crearlo son corrientes pero necesitamos veneno. | Procedures for creating an antivenin are standard but we need a quantity of venom. |
venom | Luego haremos un antídoto con su veneno. | Then we'll make an antidote with its venom. |
venom | Las proteínas del veneno son neurotóxicas, capitán. | The proteins in the venom are a neurotoxin, Captain. |
venom | El veneno de esta serpiente es letal. | The venom of the black mamba is lethal. |
venom, poison | El cigarro es un veneno para los pulmones. Las hamburguesas de ese lugar son veneno puro; ¡no las comas! | A cigarette is venom (or: poison) for the lungs. |