precisely | Es precisamente la persona que necesito. | Yes. You are precisely the person that I need. |
precisely | Era precisamente lo que quería hacer. | That is precisely what I wanted to do. |
precisely | Tengo precisamente la misma cantidad de información meteorológica que tú. | I have precisely the same amount of meteorological information as you do. |
precisely | La prioridad es precisamente aplicar las múltiples resoluciones ya aprobadas. | The priority must be precisely to implement the multiple resolutions that have already been adopted. |
precisely | Te estoy diciendo precisamente qué hacer. | I'm telling you precisely what to do. |
precisely | Accedí a vuestras proposiciones precisamente por haberlo citado. | I agreed to your advances precisely because you're spoken for. |
precisely | Habrá otra en precisamente 47.2 segundos. | There'll be one more in precisely 47.2 seconds. |
exactly | No mantiene precisamente sus ambiciones personales en secreto. | He doesn't exactly keep his personal ambitions a secret. |
exactly | Dijo que no eras precisamente guapa. | She said that you weren't exactly pretty. |
exactly | Esta no es precisamente la relación discreta que quería. | Well, this isn't exactly the inconspicuous relationship I wanted. |
exactly | No nos dejas muchas alternativas precisamente. | Well, you don't exactly leave us with much choice. |
exactly | No me quedé a examinarle precisamente. | I didn't exactly stick around to examine him. |
exactly | No estás precisamente ganando un trofeo como conversador, tampoco. | You're not exactly winning any trophies as a conversationalist, either. |
exactly | Bueno, no eres precisamente alegre. | Well, you don't exactly scream perky. |
exactly | Bueno, no me atacó precisamente. | Well, he didn't attack me, exactly. |
exactly | No tuve precisamente la educación ideal. | I didn't exactly have the ideal upbringing. |
just | Entonces puedo hacer un regreso glorioso precisamente como Britney. | So I can make a glorious comeback, just like Britney. |
just | En Australia queremos hacer precisamente eso. | We in Australia want to do just that. |
just | Nosotras no captamos mucha atención precisamente por ser mujeres. | We don't get much attention just because we're women. |
just | Es precisamente este tipo de oficial Tradición Raglan hacemos. | It's just this kind of unofficial Raglan tradition we do. |
exactly | Han desarrollado un sistema para calcular la edad de las estrellas precisamente. | They have developed a system to exactly calculate the age of stars. |
precisely, just | Precisamente en este momento estaba pensando en ti. | Precisely (or: Just) in this moment I was thinking of you. |
precisely | ¿El examen va a constar de preguntas abiertas? —Precisamente. | The exam will have open ended questions? - Precisely. |
on this very day | Precisamente hoy es el cumpleaños de Malena. | On this very day, over five hundred years ago, Columbus landed in the Americas. |
exactly for that reason, for that very reason, that's exactlly why | Sé que no tienes ganas de nada, pero precisamente por eso quiero que vengas a esta cena. | I know you don't feel like doing anything, but for that very reason I want you to come to this dinner. |