advertising | Más conocido como @sevillacreativa, Jose es creativo publicitario freelance. | Better known as @sevillacreativa, José is a freelance advertising creative executive. |
advertising | Además, funciona como reclamo publicitario. | In addition, it works as an advertising claim. |
advertising | Tendrás a tu disposición soporte publicitario en todo momento. | You will have advertising material at your disposition at all times. |
advertising | No es posible comprar dicho espacio publicitario. | It is not possible to purchase this advertising space. |
advertising | El panel publicitario se mantiene gracias a su curvatura auto-portante. | The advertising panel is held in place thanks to a self-carrying curve. |
advertising | Su espacio publicitario sobre se reserva para un año. | Your advertising space is reserved to you for one year on |
advertising | Además, el material publicitario no debe contener imágenes que idealicen el uso de alimentos infantiles. | Moreover, advertising materials must not contain pictures idealizing the use of infant formula. |
advertising | Este es un texto publicitario que dice... | This is an advertising text that says... |
publicity | Había venido para un acto publicitario. | She was in town on some publicity thing. |
publicity | Bennett descubrió mi pequeño montaje publicitario. | So Bennett found out about my little publicity stunt. |
publicity | Puede llamarlo truco publicitario si quiere. | You can call that a publicity stunt if you want. |
publicity | No sé nada de un ardid publicitario. | I don't know anything about no publicity stunt. |
publicity | Publica e imprime tu propio material publicitario. | You can publish and print your own publicity material. |
publicity | Las organizaciones no gubernamentales también dieron publicidad a la ratificación de Nueva Zelandia mediante referencias en boletines informativos y otro material publicitario. | Non-government organizations also publicised New Zealand's ratification through references in newsletters and other publicity material. |
publicity | No me lo creo, debe ser un montaje publicitario. | I don't believe it, it must be a publicity stunt. |
publicity | Va a haber un reportaje publicitario en el Poplar Echo. | There's going to be a publicity feature in the Poplar Echo. |
publicity | Durante 1993 se distribuyeron más de 160.000 artículos de material publicitario. | More than 160,000 items of publicity material were distributed during 1993. |
publicity | Judy descubrió que el Proyecto Marte era un truco publicitario. | Judy found out the Mars Project was just a, a publicity stunt. |
commercial | He pensado en el diseño publicitario. | I was thinking of commercial art. |
advertising | Han instalado un panel publicitario frente a mi casa. | An advertising panel has gone up in front of my house. |
publicity agent | El publicitario nos envió los anuncios de la próxima campaña. | The publicity agent sent us the the ads for the next campaign. |