remove | Quieren quitar los equipajes y empujar. | Now if you'd kindly remove your luggage... and push me. |
remove | Está decidida a quitar el obstáculo. | That creature is determined to remove the obstacle. |
remove | Mientras no pueda quitar otra pieza. | As long as he can't remove another piece from the board. |
remove | Necesitaremos destornillar el panel y quitar la tapa explosiva. | We'll need to pry off the panel and remove the blasting cap. |
remove | Vamos a tener que quitar los implantes. | We're going to have to remove your implants. |
remove | Para quitar el tumor necesita cirugía. | She'll need surgery to remove the tumor. |
remove | Alguien vendrá pronto para quitar las flores. | Someone should be up soon to remove the flowers. |
take | Eso es para quitar el escozor. | Aah! Now, that's just to take the sting off. |
take | No tienes realmente un negocio para quitar. | You don't really have a business to take. |
take | Pero deberían poder quitar mi nombre. | But they should be able to just take my name off. |
take | Pero me hicieron quitar toda la propaganda. | They just made me take down the flyers as a penalty for the pinatas. |
take | Realmente debo quitar eso del sitio. | I really need to take that off the Web site. |
take | Creí que me iban a quitar también los tubos. | I thought when they took this stuff off my face, they'd take the tubes out, too. |
take | Si Owen aceptara quitar su nombre... | Maybe if Owen agreed to take his name off it... |
take | Vamos a quitar uno de los paneles. | Let's take one of these panels off so we can get under the bima. |
take off | Quita los pies de la mesa. El sol quitó la nieve de los tejados. | Take your feet off the table. |
take from, take off | El profesor le quitó el teléfono al alumno. | The teacher took the phone off the student. |
snatch | Un ladrón le quitó la cartera a mi hijo en el autobús. | A thief snatched my son's wallet on the bus. |
remove | Aunque la lavé con lejía, no conseguí quitar la mancha de la camisa. | Even though I washed it with bleach I couldn't remove the stain from the shirt. |
take off | Le quité los zapatos a mi hija, que se había quedado dormida en el sofá. | I took my daughter's shoes off her as she had fallen asleep on the sofa. |
remove | Los cirujanos le quitaron dos tumores del hígado a Ernesto. | The surgeons removed two tumors in her liver. |
put [sb] right off doing [sth] | Nunca me simpatizó mucho su novio y, con la escena que nos hizo el otro día, me quitó las pocas ganas que tenía de volver a verla. | I never really liked her boyfriend, and the scene they made the other day put me right off seeing her again. |
shake off, get off | El policía que socorrió a la víctima le quitó de encima al agresor. | The police officer who helped the victim shook off the aggressor. |
get rid of | Su padre pagó sus deudas para quitarle de encima a los acreedores. | His father paid off his debts to get rid of the creditors. |
get [sth] out of one's head, get [sth] out of one's mind | Debes quitarte de la cabeza a ese chico, es malo para ti. | You should get that boy out of your head, he is bad for you. |
defuse, downplay | No quiso complicar más la situación y optó por hacer comentarios para quitar hierro al asunto. | He didn't want to complicate the situation and opted to say some things to downplay the issue. |
play down | Pedro le quitó importancia a los planteos de su hijo. | Pedro played down his son's suggestions. |
clear the table | Terminamos de comer y entre todos quitamos la mesa. | We finished eating and cleared the table together. |
cut off | El profesor le quitó la palabra a Pablo y no lo dejó seguir hablando. | The teacher cut Pablo off and wouldn't let him carry on speaking. |
contradict | María le quitó la razón a su esposo y la discusión fue cada vez peor. | Maria contradicted her husband and the argument became even more heated. |
take [sb]'s life | El ladrón le quitó la vida al hombre para robarle el auto. | The thief took the man's life to steal his car. |
take away [sb]'s desire | Queríamos ir a la costa pero el mal tiempo nos quitó las ganas. Tenía pensado ir al cine pero el calor me quitó las ganas de salir. | We had wanted to go to the coast but the bad weather took away our desire. I had wanted to go to the movies but the heat took away my desire to go. |
take up time | Ir a tu casa me quita tiempo, ¿no quieres venir tú? | Going to your house takes up time, you don't want to come? |
lift a weight off, take a load off | María le quitó un peso de encima a su esposo yendo a buscar a los niños al colegio. | Maria lifted a weight off of her husband by going to look for the children at school. |
take a load off one's mind | Marcos se quitó un peso de encima al no ser electo presidente de su clase. | Not being elected president of his class took a load off Marcos' mind. |
cancel a fine, drop a fine | El policía quitó la multa de tránsito después del soborno. | The cop dropped the traffic fine after the bribe. |