perform | Nos gustaría realizar una mastectomía radical. | We'd like to perform a radical mastectomy. |
perform | Por fortuna puedo realizar todas mis tareas sin distracciones emocionales. | It is fortunate that I can perform my duties without emotional distractions. |
perform | Debemos realizar una ceremonia de limpieza espiritual. | We'll have to perform a spiritual cleansing ceremony. |
perform | Tendré que realizar una aspiración terapéutica. | I'm going to have to perform a therapeutic aspiration. |
perform | Debo realizar el procedimiento a solas. | The procedure is one I must perform alone. |
perform | Pero primero tendré que realizar dos tareas desagradables. | But first I have two very unpleasant duties to perform. |
perform | Además, podrás realizar increíbles ejercicios que no se pueden realizar en el suelo. | In addition, You can perform amazing exercises that can not be performed on the floor. |
perform | Para realizar una actualización entre arquitecturas, deberá realizar una instalación nueva. | To make a cross-architecture upgrade, you need to perform a new installation. |
make | No basta con realizar declaraciones tranquilizadoras. | It is not enough to make reassuring statements on the issue. |
make | Debemos realizar un esfuerzo concertado para comprendernos mejor. | We have to make a concerted effort to understand each other better. |
make | Simplemente creí que podríamos realizar algunas asociaciones. | I simply thought that we could make some associations. |
make | Tenemos 36 horas para realizar las reparaciones. | Which means we have 36 hours to make repairs. |
make | Serás capas de realizar un arresto. | You'll be able to make an arrest. |
make | PayPal, pudiendo realizar donaciones a ellos. | PayPal, being able to make donations to them. |
make | Para realizar una actualización entre arquitecturas, deberá realizar una instalación nueva. | To make a cross-architecture upgrade, you need to perform a new installation. |
conduct | No es posible realizar esas actividades sin financiación. | There is no effective way to conduct those activities without access to funds. |
conduct | Podrías realizar experimentos a tu antojo. | You could conduct experiments as you see fit. |
conduct | Aquí es donde vamos a realizar nuestro experimento. | This is where we're going to conduct our experiment. |
conduct | Necesitaremos realizar entrevistas con ella Cuando esté más recuperada. | We'll need to conduct interviews with her when she's more recovered. |
conduct | Estamos aquí para realizar un registro legal. | We're here to conduct a legal search on these premises. |
make | Los obreros realizaron un gran esfuerzo para terminar la obra a tiempo. | The workers made a big effort to finish the job on time. |
make a dream come true | Juan va a realizar un sueño varias veces postergado; va a dar la vuelta al mundo. | Juan is going to make a dream come true that's been put off several times; he is going to travel around the world. |