regime | Ese problema se heredó del régimen anterior. | That issue had been inherited from the former regime. |
regime | Actualmente cumple condena en régimen de máxima seguridad. | He is currently serving his sentence under a maximum security regime. |
regime | Es además esencial que dicho régimen pueda aplicarse eficazmente. | It was furthermore essential that such a regime should be capable of effective enforcement. |
regime | Estas garantías contribuirán indudablemente a fortalecer el régimen de no proliferación. | These assurances, without a doubt, would help to strengthen the non-proliferation regime. |
regime | Necesitamos tener dinero para mantener nuestro régimen. | We can't be penniless to maintain our regime. |
regime | Parecía bastante probable que el régimen bolchevique no duraría. | It looks quite possible that the whole Bolshevik regime won't even survive. |
regime | Ningún interno tiene una condición médica incompatible con su régimen penitenciario. | No prisoner has a medical condition that is incompatible with their detention regime. |
regime | Los inspectores siempre buscarán anomalías en el conjunto del régimen. | The inspectors will always be looking for anomalies relative to the regime as a whole. |
regime | Numerosas infracciones al régimen están afectando su credibilidad y su coherencia. | Numerous breaches of the regime were calling its credibility and coherence into question. |
regime | Él se coloca en régimen confinado denunciado oficialmente. | He's put in confinement regime and is officially charged. |
regime | También podrían cooperar con el régimen. | They might also be working with the regime. |
regime | Fue contra los oponentes al régimen. | He was among the opponents of the regime. |
regime | Lo principal es derrocar al régimen. | The main thing is taking the regime down. |
regime | Es el régimen más impredecible del mundo. | It's the most unpredictable regime in the world. |
regime | No estoy juzgando duramente al viejo régimen. | I'm not trying to harsh the old regime. |
regime | Llevan años intentando derrocar su régimen. | They've been trying to topple your regime for years. |
scheme | Afiliados al régimen subsidiado a nivel nacional. | 2005-I Registrations with the subsidized scheme at national level. |
scheme | El régimen debería ofrecer asimismo incentivos positivos. | There should also be positive incentives in the scheme. |
system | También es importante seguir fortaleciendo el régimen jurídico internacional. | It was also important to further strengthen the international legal system. |
system | Esto también podría tener repercusiones para todo el régimen común. | There could also be implications for the common system as a whole. |
diet | Tienes que seguir un estricto régimen alimenticio si quieres adelgazar. | You have to follow a strict diet if you want to lose weight. |
system, regime | En el régimen capitalista, los medios de producción —tierra y capital— son de propiedad privada. | In a capitalistic system, means of production - land and capital - are private property. |
set of rules | El régimen educativo de mi escuela exige el uso de uniforme. | The set of rules at my school requires the use of a uniform. |
required preposition | La preposición "de" es el régimen del verbo pronominal "arrepentirse". | The preposition "from" is the required preposition of the verb "abstain" in the phrase "abstain from". |
government | En "té con miel" la preposición "con" funciona como instrumento de régimen. | In "tea with honey", the preposition "with" functions as an instrument of government. |