judge | Por autoridad judicial se entiende el juez tutelar. | The term "judicial authority" means the guardianship judge. |
judge | Tampoco compareció prontamente ante un juez. | He was not brought promptly before a judge. |
judge | Además, el juez puede recabar pruebas suplementarias. | The judge may further ask for supplementary evidence to be produced. |
judge | Almorcé con un juez en sus oficinas. | I've got a lunch with a judge in his chambers. |
judge | Debemos llevar esto ante un juez. | We have to get this before a judge. |
judge | Pero odio tener al juez esperando. | But I hate to keep the judge waiting. |
judge | Le darán la transcripción al juez. | They'll give that transcript to the judge. |
judge | Trataré de encontrar un juez razonable. | I'll try and find a flexible judge. |
judge | Como todos saben Ling es juez. | As you all know, Ling's a judge. |
judge | El imputado podía declarar sólo ante un juez. | The accused could make a statement only before a judge. |
judge | Presentan una citación el juez lo obliga. | They file a subpoena, the judge enforces it. |
judge | Él objetará y el juez ratificará. | He'll object and the judge will uphold. |
judge | Ningún juez aceptará basura como prueba. | And no judge would accept trash as evidence. |
judge | La primera juez marroquí fue designada en 1961. | The first woman judge in Morocco was appointed in 1961. |
judge | El juez considerará esta limitación cuando exista violencia intrafamiliar. | The judge will consider this limitation when there is intra-family violence. |
court | Le consiguió la compasión del juez y posiblemente... | It got him the sympathy of the court and possibly... |
justice | Mañana traerán a un juez para decidir. | They're bringing in a justice tomorrow to decide. |
justice | Es actualmente juez del Tribunal Supremo de Wisconsin. | She is currently a justice of the Wisconsin Supreme Court. |
judge | El juez condenó a cadena perpetua al asesino. | The judge sentenced the murderer to life in prison. |
referee | El juez señaló con su bandera la salida del balón de la cancha de fútbol. | The referee signalled the ball going off the pitch with his flag. |
conservative judge | Carlos es un juez conservador con 50 años en la profesión. | Carlos is a conservative judge with 50 years in the profession. |
Justice of the Peace | Los vecinos recurrieron a un juez de paz para que los ayudase a solucionar sus desacuerdos. | The neighbors turned to the Justice of the Peace in a bid to settle their disputes. |
presiding judge, acting judge | El nuevo juez titular de la corte será nombrado la próxima semana. | The new presiding court judge will be appointed next week. |